Water policy priorities Max Campos – Regional Committee on Water Resources Central America
Policies on water: from global to local. Policies on water: exporting and importing experiences. From colonial times to actual days. The growing concern: Pollution and water quality Health Economics ( increases in services) Water distribution: Excess and shortages: Floods and droughts Multi sectoral implications:agriculture, potable, hydropower, ecosystems, …………. Social implications Economic implications
CountryElement Legislation GUATEMALAQuality and water pollution National Constitution (Control and uses). Health Code. Municipal Codes. EL SALVADORQuality and water pollution Forest Law Irrigation Law National Emergency Law Railroads Regulations Water law Sanitation codes HONDURASControl for uses, quality and pollution of water Water law Regulation for the tourism Civil Code Police Code NICARAGUAControl for uses, quality and pollution of water Civil Code Agricultural Code Mining Code Regulation for water utility for Managua.
Political Constitutions for each country indicate a great concern for protection, and rational uses of natural resources, being water one of them. In all countries, water resources are protected legally and administratively, however, the legal norms do not apply due to the lack of possibilities from the institutions in charge for controlling, evaluate and follow up these norms and regulations. Water governance
Governance…related to a social system wider than government (political entity in charge of taking decisions)…… Governance is relevant for government, for the market, the private sector and civil society. Governance is a set of empiric manifestations of the state’s adaptation to their external environment. Financing agencies, private banks explore governance before making investments. Governance and water rights: Government and water markets…..public vs private ? Through the use of water people are related: economically, ecologically and socio-political