Follow-up projects 2nd project meeting Thessaloniki - September
IONAS Objective 3 Joint cooperation between ports and cities Networking ports and citiens on the Adriaric-Ionian area to focalise common interests in urban planning and economic development better dialogue know-how to resolve similar problems experiences exchange Toward an economical, social and environmental sustainable development
Renewed Lisbon agenda Cohesion Growth Jobs Objectives Convergence Regional competitiveness Territorial cooperation European Structural Funds 2007 – 2013 ERDF-ESF
IONAS main targets Transports & logistic Environment Results dissemination Technicals – operationals Education - training Cooperation - extension
Technical & operational projects Satellite remote sensing Noise and pollution measurements Logistic management – RFID Logistic management - IT systems
Weather forecast Earth observation Earth data acquisition Satellite remote sensing METEOSAT MSG NOAA IKONOS TERRA MISR MODIS CERES ENVISAT MERIS SCIA ASAR CRYOSAT
Remote sensing now and future - Vessels surveillance - Oil spills - Floating iceberg - No x measurement - Wather temperature - Sea level
Noise and pollution measurements Noise measurements - Inside port area - Along access ways and gates by heavy traffic Pollution measurements -Air -Water
Logistic management - RFID R adio F requency ID entification Reading a tag wireless to 1.Retrieve data stored 2.Traking goods in open supply chains 3.Managing the wharehouse in real-time 4.All is done in remote & automatic 5.Data can be available on line in real-time
Logistic management IT system Differents Information Technology systems Are they speeking togheter ? Are they using same protocols ? Target : a common network for logistic management where all systems can exchange needed and common informations
Educational & traning 1.Knoweledge 2.Training 3.Dissemination seminars & workshops for environement management in Port and City For stakeholders Involvement Town-planning and Environmental Universities Technical Scools, Publishing on line and printing Handbooks Bests practices
Cooperation - extension Find existing projects for environmental protection against marine pollution Common info-point about environmental protection along Adriatic – Ionian seas Involvement of UN - EU organisations
Dangerous traffics Database What kind of dangerous goods ? What are the main courses ? What are main terminals ? What are restricted and protected areas ? What means to fight pollution we have on the Adriatic-Ionian area ? What is their »Availability »Location »Amount »Usage
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