APPLICANT’S BRIEFING April 25-28, 2011 Severe Storms and Flooding PUBLIC ASSISTANCE APPLICANT’S BRIEFING April 25-28, 2011 Severe Storms and Flooding
THE PROCESS Preliminary Damage Assessment Presidential Declaration of Major Disaster Applicant’s Briefing Request for Public Assistance (RPA) Kickoff Meeting Administrative Forms Project Formulation & The Project Worksheet Project Worksheet Approval (FEMA & PEMA) Project Worksheet Funding (FEMA & PEMA) Project Completion / Final Inspection / Closeout
Request for Public Assistance Administration Elements of Eligibility BRIEFING OBJECTIVES Request for Public Assistance Administration Elements of Eligibility
SEVERE STORMS & FLOODING FEMA-4003-DR-PA DECLARED for Public Assistance: July 13, 2011 INCIDENT PERIOD: April 25-28, 2011
The Declared Counties Bradford Lycoming Sullivan Tioga Wyoming PUBLIC ASSISTANCE The Declared Counties Bradford Lycoming Sullivan Tioga Wyoming
REQUIRED ADMINISTRATIVE FORMS NO FUNDING UNTIL COMPLETED & RECEIVED BY PEMA RPA = Request for Public Assistance Turn in today Needs DUNS number DAP-1 = “Agreement for Financial Assistance” Legal Contract between the Applicant & PEMA Pages 1 and 5 need your information Signed by the Applicant’s Agent and witnessed ORIGINAL, INKED, signed document is to be sent to PEMA Save postage, send only pages 1 & 6 to PEMA You will receive a properly executed, full copy back DAP-2 = Appoints the Applicant’s Agent, Spokesperson Needs a “Resolution by Governing Body”
REQUIRED ADMINISTRATIVE FORMS NO FUNDING UNTIL COMPLETED & RECEIVED BY PEMA DUNS = Duns and Bradstreet Number Attachment G to DAP-1 Federal Requirement and click the “D&B D-U-N-S Number” link PEPP = PA Electronic Payment Program Enrollment Form with SAP Vendor Number Get these documents to PEMA All of these are available on PEMA web site with examples
PUBLIC ASSISTANCE Provides funding to eligible applicants for Emergency Work and Permanent Restoration of damaged facilities related to this Major Disaster Federal share = 75% State share = __% of project eligible amount
ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS County and Municipal Governments Municipal and other Authorities School Districts State Government Agencies Certain Private Non Profit Organizations PNP recreational facilities are not eligible
ELIGIBLE PNP APPLICANTS Private Non-Profits (PNP) that supplies CRITICAL SERVICES may apply directly to FEMA for both emergency and permanent work: Fire / Emergency Services Emergency Medical Care Education Power, Water, Sewer and Wastewater Communications Systems
ELIGIBLE PNP APPLICANTS Private Non-Profits (PNP) that do not provide critical services must first apply to the Small Business Administration (SBA) for a disaster loan for permanent work before applying to FEMA SBA = 800-659-2955 ▪ Museums ▪ Community Centers ▪ Educational Institutions ▪ Libraries ▪ Homeless Shelters ▪ Rehabilitation Facilities ▪ Zoos ▪ Shelter Workshops ▪ Senior Citizen/Daycare Centers ▪ Other PNP providing health and safety services of a governmental nature However, they may apply directly to FEMA for emergency work
ELIGIBLE FACILITY Required as a result of this disaster event and damaged between April 25-28, 2011 Must be owned by the eligible applicant and located in a declared county - or - Must be the legal responsibility of an eligible applicant in a declared county - not the responsibility of another party Must have required emergency repair to protect the health and safety of the public Not covered by insurance
ELIGIBLE WORK EMERGENCY WORK In the public interest to eliminate or lessen threat to life & improved property Debris Removal Emergency Work (Mostly Police & Fire) 6 Months to Complete - January 14, 2012 PERMANENT WORK Restore disaster damaged facility to pre-disaster design,capacity or function Roads & Bridges, etc. Water Control Facilities & Water/Sewer Buildings and Equipment Utilities Parks, recreational Facilities and Other 18 months to Complete – January 14, 2013
Costs that can be directly tied to the performance of eligible work ELIGIBLE COSTS Costs that can be directly tied to the performance of eligible work Costs must be reasonable and compliant with Federal, State and Local procurement and permitting requirements
ELIGIBLE COSTS - FORCE ACCOUNT Labor & Fringe Benefits Emergency Work Permanent Employees - Overtime Only Temporary Employees - All time Permanent Work - All time Document all fringe benefits using DAP-16 Equipment Applicant Owned - use FEMA equipment List (link on PEMA web site) unless your cost is lower Rental - at reasonable rental rate Materials - at applicant’s net cost Contracts - reasonable cost
DIRECT ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS Document any required administrative staff time in the office or at work site(s) Written to individual project worksheets Material, Equipment and Supplies Staff time on PW preparation and writing Staff time supervising project work and Staff time for final inspection Travel expenses Different than Engineering Costs PEMA/FEMA will discuss with you
ELIGIBLE COSTS - CONTRACTS Reasonable and necessary for your approved project’s scope of work Follow all federal, state, and local contracting and procurement laws - handout in packet Contracting & procurement is the applicant’s responsibility No “cost plus” or contingency contracts Davis-Bacon DOES NOT apply - any state rate requirements do apply
ELIGIBLE COSTS - ENGINEERING Directly associated with the actual work Improvements from “My Professional Opinion” are not eligible unless backed by a eligible code & standard with FEMA approval in writing ASK – do not ASSUME Have your engineering firm separately document their engineering costs based on: Design and Specifications Construction Supervision Final Inspection
Work required to return the facility ELIGIBLE WORK Work required to return the facility to it pre-disaster condition and use Emergency Road Work- What did you do to get the road open, travelable and safe? Is what you did how you normal repairs or a quick fix? Permanent Road Work – What work is required to return the road “system” to it pre-disaster condition…i.e. Base, Sub-base, Topping. What can we do to minimize future damages?
PROJECT WORKSHEET Description of Damages & Dimensions Scope of Work to restore the Facility Assigns Eligible Costs to your Eligible Work Applicant assists the FEMA Project Specialist prepare PWs Location & description of facility Special Considerations or codes and standards issues that may add eligible costs Hazard Mitigation for the project Insurance Your Copy is a Draft Changes to PW Final approved copy will be mailed Exit Interview – Exit Checklist
SCOPE OF WORK PW Scope of Work is “Gospel” Use it to guide your bid specs Any changes for any reason Need to be submitted in writing to PEMA Approved in writing by FEMA If not approved by FEMA, you may not receive your submitted reimbursement VERBAL agreements are NOT valid Unapproved changes, made by your engineer, will not be eligible for funding
INELIGIBLE WORK THAT WILL NOT BE REIMBURSED Any Additional, unapproved work The extra cost to replace a one lane bridge with a two lane bridge (probably ineligible) Improvements not required by codes and standards Private nonprofit recreational facilities Damage caused by negligence Pre-existing damage or deferred maintenance Engineering for damage assessment
SMALL & LARGE PROJECTS For this disaster: A “Small Project” is < $63,900 A “Large Project” is > $63,900
The minimum project amount is $1,000 SMALL PROJECTS The minimum project amount is $1,000 Federal share is paid on project approval Document your actual work and costs for each project State Final Inspection & Program Review of all small projects if overrun claimed State Share paid when all small projects are completed
LARGE PROJECTS Funds may be released as costs are incurred - Applicant submits DAP-9 w/invoices to PEMA - Minimum of $10,000 requested Maximum draw = 75% of eligible PW amount Quarterly Progress Status Reports required Final Inspection & Program Review by FEMA Final reimbursement = actual eligible cost
PROJECT FUNDING Approved funds are electronically transferred to your account Any interest over $100 annually must be reported and returned to FEMA
OTHER TYPES OF PROJECTS FEMA PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL IS REQUIRED Improved Project Restored original function but you want to make it bigger or better than pre-disaster Funding is limited to original approved PW amount Example: Small bridge to large bridge Alternate Project Function not restored - use the funding for another purpose Fed Share reduced to 67.50% and State share based on the new approved amount PNP’s Federal Share is 56.25% Prior Environmental & Historic reviews must be completed Submit for approval ASAP Examples: Abandon the old destroyed bridge and buy a new tractor, police car or roof on municipal building
DEBRIS REMOVAL Monitored Must have known quantities Known locations Where it came from – eligibility issue Where it was taken Permits Consult “Debris Fact Sheet”
STREAM DEBRIS Emergency debris removal required to eliminate the immediate threat to life or improved property Each site should be evaluated independently and decisions made based on surrounding conditions and impacting factors Gravel bars, stream bank restoration and re-channelization of channels in natural areas are generally not eligible; unless there is an immediate threat to improved public or private property
Hazardous Trees, Limbs, and Stumps WOODY DEBRIS Hazardous Trees, Limbs, and Stumps FEMA will validate that the applicants actually performed the work Clear documentation of an immediate threat posed to public right of way areas or improved property and the scope of work required to remove the immediate threat Before, during and after photographs of hazards GPS coordinates of each tree or stump and nearest street address establishing location Hazardous trees must be six inches or greater in diameter Hazardous limbs must be greater than two inches in diameter Hazardous stumps must be greater than 24 inches in diameter Hazardous stumps: document the quantity of material required to fill the resultant hole NOTE: This documentation is not required during the emergency debris clearance phase when crews are clearing roads and providing access to critical facilities.
SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS Environmental (NEPA) Historic Floodplain Wetlands, Endangered Species Hazardous Materials Hazard Mitigation at damaged site Insurance Codes & Standards
ENVIRONMENTAL & HISTORICAL Endangered Species Act (ESA), 1973
MITIGATION IN PUBLIC ASSISTANCE PROJECT Particularly repetitively damaged sites Reduce or eliminate future damages at a disaster damaged facility Must be cost effective If FEMA approves, cost is eligible for PA funding Can be up to 15% of project cost except for specified pre-approved 100% list Discuss your concerns/ideas at kick-off meeting Here’s your chance to really fix the problem!
PUBLIC ASSISTANCE PROJECT MITIGATION IN PUBLIC ASSISTANCE PROJECT Examples of mitigation: Upsizing repetitively damaged pipe one-size One-way valves or drains stoppers Raising utilities Constructing berms Larger rip-rap
INSURANCE All Insurance payments must be deducted from eligible costs The deductible is an eligible cost FEMA will pay for eligible work not covered by insurance Provide PEMA with a copy of the policy declaration page plus the claim and response from the insurance carrier
INSURANCE If caused by flood, an insurable structure in the floodplain will be treated as if fully insured under NFIP – FEMA will deduct maximum NFIP proceed available from eligible project amount If eligible cost is over $5,000, insurance for peril causing damage is required before payment If you contest the floodplain, you must submit in writing as a map revision
CODES & STANDARDS ALL 5 BELOW MUST BE MET Apply to the type of repair or restoration Be appropriate to the pre-disaster use of the facility Be reasonable, written, and formally adopted before the declaration date Apply uniformly to all similar types of facilities throughout the jurisdiction Have been enforced since enactment
COST OVERRUNS Contact PEMA when you find that your project costs are going to be more than 10% of the PW approved amount Example: PW is approved for $100,000 Lowest bid comes in at $110,000
GRANT CLOSE-OUT Send the PEMA DAP-12 form to PEMA NLT 60 days after all of your work is completed Reports actual cost for eligible work Certifies work is complete & all costs paid Requests final inspection & program review for: All Small Projects - submitted on one report All Small Project with a cost overrun - on one report Large Project - submitted individually Required Disbursement/Reimbursement of Funds
OTHER THINGS Appeals - 60 days from notice of action for appeal Send to PEMA with compelling details 1st Appeal - to FEMA R3 Regional Administrator 2nd Appeal - to FEMA HQ Associate Director Codes and Standards - must be approved and in effect before disaster is declared PEMA-PA is your primary contact for questions or issues
REMEMBER Only paid for damages caused by this disaster plus mitigation and eligible codes & standards Written approval necessary for any changes FEMA must deduct insurance and any payments from other sources PWs completed timely = money to you quickly Keep records for all work and costs separately for each project worksheet (PW) – makes closeout much easier for all concerned
REQUIRED FORMS RPA DUNS Number DAP-1 = “Agreement for Financial Assistance” Legal Contract between the Applicant & PEMA Signed by the Applicant’s Agent You will receive no funding until a properly executed, original, inked version is received by PEMA DAP-2 = “Resolution by Governing Body” Appoints the Applicant’s Agent PEPP = PA Electronic Payment Program Form with SAP Vendor Number Get these documents to PEMA
BRING TO KICK-OFF MEETING Records of all work and costs to date & estimates for incomplete or future work Location, description, and dimensions of all emergency work and damaged facilities Manager, Financial and Public Works staff may attend – who has the information and who will be doing the paperwork? 30 days from meeting, you must have reported ALL incident related damages
TIME LINE 30 days from declaration (8/12/11) - submit RPA 30 days from kick-off (9/xx/11) - report ALL disaster related damages 6 months from declaration (1/14/12) - all emergency work (Categories A-B) completed 18 months from declaration (1/14/13) - all permanent work (Categories C-G) completed
DOCUMENTS REQUIRING APPLICANT AGENT SIGNATURE PEMA Forms DAP-1 Original signatures required ! DAP-2 DAP-9 DAP-11 DAP-12 Note: Applicant Agent signature CANNOT be delegated – they must sign
MORE INFORMATION PEMA Public Assistance 2605 Interstate Drive, Harrisburg, PA 17110 Phone: 800-635-9692 Email: Chris Evans at Website: Latest Disaster Update Information Form Library Link - Forms or Pamphlets Applicant Handbook FEMA Website:
PEMA PUBLIC ASSISTANCE Bradford County - West Greg Showers Ofc: 717-651-2140 Cell: 717-460-2821 Bradford County - East Rick Weiberg Ofc: 717-651-2157 Cell: 717-405-5106
PEMA PUBLIC ASSISTANCE Lycoming & Sullivan Counties Russ Kratzer Ofc: 717-651-2160 Cell: 717-460-2784 Tioga County Wyoming County Ken Mostyn Mike Stalnecker Ofc: 724-357-2990 Ofc: 610-562-3003 Cell: 724-630-9450 Cell: 484-256-0556
LAST ITEMS Hazard Mitigation Presentation followed by signing up for Kick-off Meetings at back table