Humans and Pollution LO To be able to explain the population explosion and the problems it has caused Starter What do you think pollution is? What are pollutants? Can you name any? Where do they come from? What are the problems?
Pollution the introduction of a chemical into the environment which is not usually there.
Exponential growth Describe this graph of the UK population What is exponential growth?
Population explosion The increase in the UK has been seen worldwide – what problems could this cause?
Population explosion The increase in the UK has been seen worldwide – what problems could this cause? Food shortage Land shortage Pollution Using resources too fast – fossil fuels and minerals. This growth is not sustainable – What does sustainable mean? Write a definition.
Using the laptops Design a fact sheet (I page), that summarises these different pollutants, include where they come from and their effect on the environment – can use pictures and symbols. Sulfur dioxide Nitrogen oxide Carbon dioxide CFCs Untreated sewage Detergents