GRAPHY PHOTO Capture the moment
Dominant Subject The eye goes to one main subject. Avoid a cluttered background so viewers know where to look.
Dominant Subject
Rule of Thirds The subject is placed off-center. Divide the frame into thirds horizontally and vertically, and place the subject at an intersection.
Freezing Action The photographer uses a fast shutter speed to give the effect of stopping motion.
Panning The photographer moves the camera along with the subject, creating streaks in the background while keeping the subject relatively in focus.
Emotion catches strong facial expression or body language Timing is vital Usually get in front of subject
Interesting Angle/Perspective The picture is taken from an unusual angle, rather than just “straight on,” adding interest to the subject. –Worm’s Eye View –Bird’s Eye View
Leading Lines real or implied lines that lead the viewer’s eye through the photo, creating a three-dimensional effect
Framing The subject is framed or partially framed by an element within the picture, drawing interest to the dominant subject.
Short Depth of Field The lens aperture is set wide open so the area of focus is limited.
Short Depth of Field
Long Depth of Field The lens aperture is set small, giving a “telescope” effect with the entire scene in focus.
Long Depth of Field
Filling the Frame The photographer moves in close to fill most of the picture area with the subject.
Filling the Frame