Oil Pollution oProfessor Erik Røsæg oScandinavian Institute of Maritime Law ofolk.uio.no/erikro
2 Different aspects oSpill prevention oIntervention oLiability oClean-up
CLC oScope oPetroleum Act oStrict liability oLimitation oTonnage oExceptions oMandatory insurance oDirect action oChanneling oMaritime liens? 3
IOPC Fund oLiability oFinancing oDecision making oSupplementary Fund 4
Bunker Convention oLiable party oInsurance oLimitation 5
HNS Convention oScope oSecond tier financing oRelation to CLC/IOPC Fund oRelation to Collision Convention 6
Supplementary private agreements oSTOPIA oTOPIA oCRISTAL oTOVALOP 7
Oil pollution and the EU oEnvironmental Liability Directive oIntertanko case oThe MS and the Community 8
Clean-up oPollution Act oClean-up costs 9
Salvage and pollution oSalvage or clean-up? oRemuneration to unsuccessful salvors oSCOPIC oPollution by salvors 10