Warm Up: What is the difference between ABIOTIC and BIOTIC? Give 3 examples of each!
Bull Run Creek Potomac River Chesapeake Bay Atlantic Ocean
States that flow into Chesapeake Bay Watershed New York (part of) Pennsylvania (part of) West Virginia (part of) Maryland Delaware (part of) Virginia (part of) The bay is approximately 200 miles (300 km) long from its northern headwaters in the Susquehanna River to its outlet in the Atlantic Ocean. Susquehanna RiverAtlantic Ocean
Do you remember? What is urban run off? What is agricultural run off? How would they affect a well that is on your property? resources/videos/epa-probes-water-well-pollution- in-pa-gas-field
How can we demonstrate the movement of water pollution through an aquifer? Water pollution is any substance that has a negative effect on water or the living things that depend on water. Many activities that benefit humans produce pollutants. Water pollution can affect surface water, ground water, wells and even rain. nvironment/waterpollution/
Underground Pollution Lab Materials: -Coffee filter-Permanent Marker-Plastic Plate -Water -Sponge(damp)-Pipette-Food Coloring Procedure: 1.With the marker, on the plate, draw three rings on the coffee filter. WARNING: Marker will stain counters/tables USE plastic plate!!! 2.Draw three dots (one on each ring) and label them A, B, and C. 3.Moisten coffee filter with DAMP sponge. 4.Squirt five drops of food coloring onto the CENTER of the coffee filter and observe how it moves 5.If your food coloring stops traveling, you can squirt a few drops of water on the center with a pipette. 6.Answer lab questions on your OWN paper and turn into In-Box.
Coffee Filter Example C B A
Lab Questions: *answer on your NOTES paper! 1.What do the letters represent? 2.What type of pollution could get in the groundwater? 3.How quickly did your pollution spread to the outer well? 4.What type of health risk would come with drinking polluted water? 5.What steps do you need to take to keep your wells from having pollution? 6.What would you do if a factory moved in next to your farm/ranch?
Watersheds and Pollution Billion people around the world suffer every year due to lack of access to safe drinking water. In an attempt to address this problem, Engineer Michael Pritchard invented the Portable Lifesaver, which turns the filthiest of water drinkable. - See more at: