Coincidence group report Analysis meeting, 13/04/20151
Organization of the coincidence group List of people: 1.Edoardo Bossini 2.Corrado Cicalò 3.Daniele De Gruttola 4.Marco Garbini 5.Stefano Grazzi 6.Francesco Noferini 7.Laura Perasso 8.Federico Pilo Analysis meeting, 13/04/20152
People and telescopes BOLO-01 BOLO-03 BOLO-04 Marco, Francesco CAGL-01 CAGL-02 CAGL-03 Corrado CERN-01 CERN-02 (Daniele, Francesco, Laura) FRAS-02 FRAS-03 (we need to be in touch with Silvia and Fabrizio) LAQU-01 LAQU-02 Daniele SAVO-01 SAVO-02 SAVO-03 Laura, Stefano (Francesco) VIAR-01 VIAR-02 Federico, Edoardo Analysis meeting, 13/04/20153
Status of the code (Catania code) Current version (with some changes with respect the original code, see next slide) of the coincidence code avaliable here: Documentation on the code is available here (thanks to Paola e Franco): Analysis meeting, 13/04/20154
Changes in the code Analysis meeting, 13/04/20155 Coincidence tree added Coincidence output file added A tree with quality parameters for each telescope was added year,month,day,run,timeduration,ratePe rRun,rateHitPerRun,fractionGoodTrack A tree with the overlap time information for the two telescope was added year,month,day,run,run2,timeduration
Telesecope infos and DB Some information we think are needed to trace the status of the telescope: Distances between the chambers Angle w.r.t. Magnetic North (EST at 90 degrees) GPS coordinates (altitude) Material budget over the telescope Height of the bottom chamber from the ground Are we interested to have such information in a common place (DB?)? Analysis meeting, 13/04/20156
«good run» definition for coincidence studies Stability of the fraction of tracks with 2 < 10 Number of event per run >10000 Run rate within 20% of the telescope average rate (when conditions are fixed: voltage, number of active strips, …) This is a preliminary definition which is under investigation. Analysis meeting, 13/04/20157
Some quality checks available in the new version of the code Analysis meeting, 13/04/20158 (ratePerRun – rateHitPerRun - 2)/(ratePerRun - 2) GPS events 3 strips missing 2 strips missing 1 strip missing
Common strategy to measure several quantities (under discussion) Effective time in data acquisition (needed to extract the rate) Efficiency measurement Acceptance computation Analysis meeting, 13/04/20159
Request to the analysis group MC is needed to compute acceptance and expected rates waiting for Fabrizio’s talk Telescope info in the DB? Special request: is it possible to have the GPS information visible in the first page of the DAQ software (currently is in the 3 rd tab). This may help to check that GPS is really in the DAQ chain. Analysis meeting, 13/04/201510
backup Analysis meeting, 13/04/201511
List of telescopes for coincidences with Run-1 (pilot run) data TelescopeRunsDaysCoincidencesDistance (m) Rate CERN-01-CERN-02Run BOLO-01-BOLO-04Run LAQU-01-LAQU-02Run CAGL-01-CAGL-02Pilot, Run FRAS-02-FRAS-03Run ± ±2 TORI-03-TORI-04Run-16.5n.a.1076n.a. SAVO-01-SAVO-02Pilot, Run VIAR-01-VIAR-02Run-116.2n.a.1344n.a. SAVO-01-SAVO-03Run-17.4n.a1467n.a. BOLO-01/04-BOLO-03Run-136n.a.1491n.a. SAVO-02-SAVO-03Run-17.8n.a.1711n.a. CAGL-01/02-CAGL-03Pilot, Run ± ±0.6 CATA-01-CATA-02Run-11n.a.3034n.a. Last update 8/04/2015 Analysis meeting, 13/04/201512
Triple coincidences Location3 distances (m)3 average rates (per s)Statistics (days) Bologna100,1500,150042,37,3610 Cagliari500,2400,240020,33,1455 Savona1200,1500,170041,49,287 Location Noise rate (| t 12 |<1000 ns, | t 13 |<10000 ns) (per day) Bologna0.2 Cagliari0.03 Savona0.2 Noise rate = rate_1 * (rate_2* 2E-6 s) * (rate_3*2E-5 s) * (86400 s/ 1 day) So far, for SAVO-03 I considered as «good runs» only the ones starting from 1° April 2015 (fix on the GPS). Previous runs should be checked. You can find all my coincidences’ trees on the analysis PCs at CNAF under: /home/noferini/codePaola/ Analysis meeting, 13/04/201513