ECE 477 Design Review Team 01 Fall 2013 Paste a photo of team members here, annotated with names of team members.
Outline Project overviewProject overview Project-specific success criteriaProject-specific success criteria Block diagramBlock diagram Component selection rationaleComponent selection rationale Packaging designPackaging design Schematic and theory of operationSchematic and theory of operation PCB layoutPCB layout Software design/development statusSoftware design/development status Project completion timelineProject completion timeline Questions / discussionQuestions / discussion
Project Overview Android controlled quadcopterAndroid controlled quadcopter Bluetooth connection (~300 foot range)Bluetooth connection (~300 foot range) GPS, compass, ultrasonic, battery monitorGPS, compass, ultrasonic, battery monitor Brushless DC motors with speed controllersBrushless DC motors with speed controllers PWM input flight controller board for stabilizationPWM input flight controller board for stabilization Waypoint navigation & auto take-off/landWaypoint navigation & auto take-off/land
Project-Specific Success Criteria An ability to determine the position of the quadcopter using GPSAn ability to determine the position of the quadcopter using GPS An ability to control the copter using an Android device over a Bluetooth interfaceAn ability to control the copter using an Android device over a Bluetooth interface An ability to automatically take-off and landAn ability to automatically take-off and land An ability to fly-by-waypoint using GPS coordinatesAn ability to fly-by-waypoint using GPS coordinates An ability to monitor the state of battery charge and relay back to userAn ability to monitor the state of battery charge and relay back to user
MicrocontrollerMicrocontroller –5 PWM, 1 SPI, 3 UART, 4 A/D –Spare ports –Speed and flash not a constraint PeripheralsPeripherals –3.3 volts –Physical size –Bluetooth – range (~300ft) –GPS – accurate, interference –Magnetometer – motor interference Component Selection Rationale
Microcontroller (PIC24FJ256GB110)Microcontroller (PIC24FJ256GB110) –3 SPI, 3 I 2 C, 4 UART, 9 PWM, 16 A\D –16 Bit –85 I/O pins, 100 pins total –8 MHz Internal Oscillator –Good documentation and support All peripherals on 3.3 voltsAll peripherals on 3.3 volts All peripherals on breakout boards that are small enoughAll peripherals on breakout boards that are small enough
Switching Voltage Regulator
V ref Voltage Regulator
Voltage Divider
Line Level Translator
Programming Header
Software Design/Development Status Development with PIC24FJ128Development with PIC24FJ128 –No Peripheral Pin Select (PPS) –Ordered PIC24FJ256 with PPS Plug-In Module (Thank you Joe!) UART practice (RFID)UART practice (RFID) Heartbeat, Reset, Bluetooth, ProximityHeartbeat, Reset, Bluetooth, Proximity Android app developedAndroid app developed Software flowchart (very modular)Software flowchart (very modular)
Thank You! Questions / Discussion