Feedback from engagement and consultation for physical condition River Basin Management Planning Unit
The consultation set out options for strategic implementation Approaches for water pollution from land contamination and toxic pollution and INNS Scenarios for Rural diffuse pollution Restoring physical condition of beds, banks and shores Restoring fish passage at man-made barriers
Overall consultation responses Diffuse pollution – support for scenario 2 Other water quality pressures - yes Physical condition – scenario 1 Barriers – Step change 1 INNS - Yes HMWBs – generally supportive General comments; further investigations where we have uncertainty, partnership working, integrating planning and projects for multiple benefits, engagement and £
Engagement targeted to inform barriers and physical condition objectives Worked with local authorities and some fishery trusts to: Refine our information on fish barriers Look at areas where there may be scope for partnership working on morphology
Physical condition feedback Strong support for a step change Develop partnerships that focus on delivery Prioritisation based on most benefits, scope, cost benefit analysis & ecological driver Time to build information and certainty about where to direct implementation to ensure adequate resource is allocated in budgets and staff time Allow integration with other projects and planning processes Funding
Next steps Continue to refine prioritisation & delivery based on feedback received Solway Tweed closes 9 th June 2015 Draft plan to ministers in September Digest of consultation responses published Sept Review of engagement