Cell Theory Objective: You will be able to describe what each person did for the cell theory. You will be able to list the parts of the cell theory. Itinerary: 1.Powerpoint and chart 2.Pictures to remember! 3.Smartboard activity
Warm ups 1.How can we see things that are really tiny? 2.How can we see things that are really far away?
The invention of microscopes made the discovery of cells possible. 1. Microscopes – used to see tiny objects 2. Electron microscopes are the most powerful microscopes today.
Person What did he do? 1. In 1590, two Dutch spectacle makers, Zaccharias Janssen and his son Hans, while experimenting with several lenses in a tube, discovered that nearby objects appeared greatly enlarged. That was the forerunner of the compound microscope and of the telescope.
Person What did he do? 2. Robert Hooke In 1665, Hooke, an English scientist, used a microscope he had built to study a thin slice of cork He saw the outer layers of the piece of cork’s cell walls He called the structures he saw “CELLS,” which means little rooms in Latin
Person What did he do? 3. Anton van Leeuwenhoek In 1674, Van Leeuwenhoek, a Dutch lens maker, used a homemade microscope (1 st compound light microscope) to look at some pond scum He was the first person to see single celled organisms. He called them “animalcules”
Person What did he do? 4. Matthias Schleiden German botanist Looked at MANY slides of plant tissues In 1838, concluded that all plants are made of cells
Person What did he do? 5. Theodor Schwann German scientist Studied animals Observed many different kinds of animal cells. In 1839, stated that all animal tissues are made of cells
Person What did he do? 6. Rudolf Virchow German doctor In 1858, concluded that all cells developed from other cells
The Cell Theory 1. All living things are made of one or more cells. 2. The cell is the basic unit of structure and of function in all living things. 3. All cells come from other living cells. Write all of this!!
5 finger summary – just write the answers 1.What technology helped to discover cell? 2.Who looked at cork and came up with the name “cells”? 3.Used a microscope to observe “animalcules” 4.Said all plants are made up of cells 5.What is the theory that summarizes the importance of cells.