Grade 12 Information Presentation Fall 2014 Ms. Lovett and Ms. Bowes 6:30-7:00Lindsay Algee Nova Scotia Student Assistance 7:00-7:30Ms. Bowes and Ms. Lovett Graduation Requirements
Part 1: Fall Can I Graduate? About Post Secondary How Do I Apply?
GRADE 12 = Potential Grad GRADE 12: students who, when the year begins, can graduate during or at the end of this school year.
CREDIT CHECK AND GRAD LIST The Counsellors complete credit checks to ensure a student is eligible to graduate. Students should also take responsibility and check their graduation status The Potential Grad List is the list of all who are eligible to graduate. The list is meant to show you what we have on record as a student’s legal full name in order to prepare their diploma for graduation.
GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Maximum 7 Grade 10 credits Minimum 5 Grade 12 Must include 13 specific credits listed at the right: 3 English Science #1 & #2 2 Math (10 & 11) 1 Cdn History 11 1 Global Studies 12 1 Physical Education 1 Fine Arts 2 further Math/Sci/Tech
GRAD REQUIREMENTS (CONTINUED) NOTE: 2 courses of the same subject and same grade level can only count as 1 credit except Pre Cal Math 12 and Calculus and Cooperative Education. Example:MAF11+MAT11+MAD11 =just one credit.
Be Careful!!!!!!!!!!! You may be meeting graduation requirements BUT your courses might not be suitable for admission into your preferred post-secondary program.
CAREER SERVICES IN THE GUIDANCE OFFICE AND ONLINE Millwood High Virtual Guidance Office There is an up-to-date scholarship and awards list on the website Career Counselling from fully certified Counsellors
About Post Secondary
WHAT ARE THE OPTIONS AFTER HIGH SCHOOL? (“Post-secondary options”) Go directly to full-time work Military Training and Employment Apprenticeship (a formal on-the-job training program) for skilled trades Private Career College: Business, Cosmetology, Computer etc. Community College for trades, technology, business University Students can talk to their counsellor about any of these options!
UNIVERSITY Programming Programs are typically at least three years long The most popular programs are in: Arts (such as English, History, Languages, Sociology, etc), Sciences (such as Physics, Biology, etc), Commerce or Business. These do not usually train you specifically for a particular occupation, but are necessary for entry into many occupations, where you get specific training. Important to explore options available as some programming has become more diverse and job oriented (i.e.: Bachelor of Computer Science – Informatics)
Are you thinking of becoming a lawyer, a vet, a physician, a dentist, a teacher, a research scientist, a psychologist, physiotherapist,etc? All of these require you to: First complete a bachelor’s degree Then go on to further university for at least one other degree. Plan Ahead!!!!!!!!!!
General Requirements for University Admission Admission requirements differ widely for various programs and institutions. Requirements can change without notice. Students should check websites or talk to counsellors about requirements.
OTHER OPTIONS: Royal Military CollegeRoyal Military College, Kingston, Ontario: a military university requires high academics for acceptance must be accepted into military free tuition; paid while there military life while there; military training summers must serve for 5+ years after completion Check with Military recruiters about this and other military options. Canadian Coast Guard CollegeCanadian Coast Guard College, Sydney Free, requires high marks, Math, Physics, maybe French
About the Military For more info call the CF Recruiting Centre at 1 (800) or walk in during business hours (Scotia Square) Local reserve units come to the school at various times to recruit Join the reserves (part-time work). Get up to $2000 award each year when you finish a year of college or university.
U.S. UNIVERSITIES Should apply as soon as possible. Usually require SAT I (or ACT) scores: -write at Dalhousie -apply by late October to write in early December or apply in mid December to write in late January -SAT’s may also be needed for international scholarships
About Community College Offer programs that train you for specific occupations. Some of these occupations or trades may pay more than university-oriented jobs and have more likelihood of employment. Skilled trades, computer, business, service, helping occupations Programs take 1 or 2 years (less than university) and are less expensive Some programs require academic high school credits. Many don’t. See your counsellor or contact the college.
Community Colleges in Atlantic Canada NS Community College NB Community College NB College of Forest Technology Holland College (PEI) College of the North Atlantic (Nfld) College de l’Acadie (NS – part of U Ste Anne)
NS COMMUNITY COLLEGE You can apply as soon as you enter your Gr 12 year. “First come – first qualified.” $25 to apply Most programs about $2800/yr plus books A few programs are much more expensive See the calendar, available in Guidance or online, for list of programs and descriptions.
About PRIVATE COLLEGES Also called private trade schools, career colleges, business colleges, etc. These are private businesses operated for profit. Programs are usually 1 or 2 years Train you specifically for a certain occupation There are many right here in the Halifax area. Concentrate on business and human service training programs
About Apprenticeship Training Many skilled trades require you to be an apprentice (on job learner) before you are fully qualified (journeyperson). An apprenticeship is a program in which you learn on the job under the supervision of a qualified person. Involves some in-school time (Some courses at NSCC) Get paid while working as an apprentice Eventually write exams and put in time and become qualified yourself Can take pure apprenticeship without going to community college. This route is basically free, as you are paid while under training. More info at:
How Do I Apply?
Applying to University or College (typical procedure) Access the online applications Review with Counsellor if you wish; then send to the university There are application fees ($25+) Request transcripts from Guidance (binder on counter), and pick up when ready.
Applying to University or College (typical procedure) Cont’d Mail or take to the institution prior to deadline. Usually all of this is after 1 st semester marks are in. You can apply before your marks are available. Some schools (NSCC and some universities) will allow you to apply as early as NOW! For NSCC you should apply ASAP. Procedure may be a little different if you are applying for a scholarship.
Conclusion Confirm you are a grad Start looking at post-secondary options now Visit your Guidance Counsellor for career help and help with applying Lots of options for financing (check our website)