Air Pollution Sources: Coal-Fired Power Plants April 13, 2011
Electricity ProductionIndustryTransportationOther Sources What are the total amount of emissions released by each of the major sources or primary air pollutants? What are the two largest single sources of air pollution? 36 thousands of tons/per day 19 thousands of tons/per day 102 thousands of tons/per day 38 thousands of tons/per day 2. Electricity Production1. Transportation
Sources of Air Pollution Most air pollution comes from burning fossil fuels – Coal – Oil – Natural Gas
The Biggest Sources: Transportation Transportation is the source of over 50% of our air pollution in the U.S.
The Biggest Sources: Electricity Production Electricity production is the source of about 20% of air pollution in the U.S.
Generating Electricity Burning coal to generate electricity releases the most amount of air pollution. Coal is used to generate 45% of the electricity in the U.S.
How Coal is Used to Generate Electricity Coal is burned to create heat, which is used to boil water and create steam. The steam then turns a turbine that rotates a generator that creates electricity.
State Line Power Plant