Welcome Dr Michael Paton Teaching Quality Fellow Faculty of Economics and Business.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome Dr Michael Paton Teaching Quality Fellow Faculty of Economics and Business

Staying on Track Information Session University of Sydney Learning Centre

Key Problem Areas for Students Time Management: –Setting goals –Using planners –Juggling priorities

Key Problem Areas for Students Concentration Loss and Procrastination: –Understanding reasons –Strategies for improvement

Key Problem Areas for Students Essay Writing: –Interpreting essay questions –Analysing ideas –Structuring the essay –Developing an argument –Using evidence –Avoiding plagiarism

Key Problem Areas for Students Academic English: –Writing clearly –Writing in an academic style –Grammatical correctness

Resources which can Help Academic Writing Workshops: –Essay Writing –Writing Coursework Assignments –Managing Literature for Coursework Assignments –Quoting, Summarising and Paraphrasing –Writing in an Academic Style –Clearer Writing –Functional Grammar for Academic Writing

Resources which can Help Studying at University Workshops: –Managing Your Time –Concentration and Procrastination –Preparation for Exams Practice for MCQ exams Practice for essay exams Practice for short answer exams

Other Learning Resources Booklets: Self Study Series –Skills for Essay Writing –The Reflective Student –How to Write a Laboratory Report

Other Learning Resources Online resources: – Clearer Writing (interactive) –WriteSite (interactive) –Links to other sites –Resources for downloading Guidelines for Referencing Skills of Essay Writing series Report Writing in the Sciences

Who are we? We are an academic centre Our services are available to all enrolled students at this university Our central workshops and individual learning programs are free of charge Our objectives are to facilitate and develop student learning

2007 Workshop Program: Semester 2 August/September Program 13 August - 14 September (Online registration: 6 August) Masters Coursework Program September (Online registration: 19 September) October Program (including exam preparation) October (Online registration: 3 October)

How to find us Learning Centre Level 7, Education Building Manning Road Phone: Fax: Website:

The Counselling Service

Reasons for poor progress Poor time management, procrastination, perfectionism Deficits in study skills Competing priorities - e.g. too much paid work given study requirements; family obligations; leisure No clear goals; or, studying to fulfill expectations of others not own aspirations Psychological problems (e.g. depression or anxiety)

Performance/exam anxiety Personal stressors - e.g. financial problems, relationship problems Physical health problems Poor course or subject choice Unrealistic expectations re experience of uni, amount of work required, standard of work required, or re own ability A cycle of avoidance - missed classes, missed assignments, then giving up Isolation & inadequate help seeking

Ways to make things worse Overloading in an effort to catch up Trying to forget experiences in unsuccessful semesters, not learning from mistakes and possibly associated wishful thinking Assuming repeating a subject will be easier Isolating self from other students Skipping classes & convincing self course can be self taught Not seeking help & not talking to others about real experience of university

Facilitating Positive Change Seek help early and, if necessary, regularly Create flexible plans & make uni a high priority View mistakes as a basis for positive learning Student Services offers many services to help you succeed at university Counselling Service - Level 7 Education Bld’g ph:

CRICOS Provider No A The International Office Zoe Williams Compliance Coordinator

International Students & Visa Issues Mandatory Conditions for All Student Visas Include:  Satisfactory Academic Progress  Notify the University of Current Address

Implications of an Academic Exclusion Being Excluded is a Breach of Your Student Visa and May Result in:  Cancellation of Student Visa  Required to Leave Australia  Restrictions from Returning to Australia for 3 Years

Is This The Right Course For You? Students who are excluded from the University may not be able to obtain a Student Visa to study at another institution in Australia If this is not the right course for you it is important that you elect to withdraw BEFORE you are asked to Show Cause or be Excluded

International Student Advisers  Providing Support to International Students for Visa, Academic and Enrolment Issues  Support Services On and Off Campus  DIAC Procedures  Interviewing At Risk Students  Student Visa Extensions  Permission to Work  Newsletters

How to Contact an International Student Adviser Samira Al Far and Caroline Mullins Located in the International Office G12  Individual Appointments  Drop in Enquiries

Staying on Track for Academic Success Lidia Nemitschenko Head,ISSU International Student Support Unit (ISSU)

All students face challenges and difficulties International students face additional challenges that most local students do not face International Student Support Unit (ISSU)

International students face: Adjusting to new culture and environment Adjusting to new education culture Using a ‘foreign’ language Living up to family expectations Managing finances International Student Support Unit (ISSU)

International students face: Living in share accommodation ‘Wrong’ subject choice Visa conditions Understanding subject matter Understanding expectations about assignments and exams International Student Support Unit (ISSU)

International students face: Learning new approach to study Immigration and ESOS requirements Understanding subject matter Understanding expectations about assignments and exams International Student Support Unit (ISSU)

International students face: Developing confidence to ask for help Absence of family and close friends Learning independent living skills Concerns about family in home country International Student Support Unit (ISSU)

Stress and anxiety affect performance: Low energy level Decrease in sense of well being Low motivation Difficulty concentrating Loss of self-confidence Decreased ability to enjoy life and studies International Student Support Unit (ISSU)

Any one of these is likely to affect your performance in daily life, socially and academically. International Student Support Unit (ISSU)

Steps towards improving performance P - Identify the Problem I - Identify the appropriate Intervention A - Take appropriate Action International Student Support Unit (ISSU)

International Student Counsellors can help with: Goal setting Motivation Time Management & Study Skills Information and advice on balanced lifestyle International Student Support Unit (ISSU)

International Student Counsellors can help with: Adjustment and transition issues Personal and relationship issues Stress, anxiety, depression Interpersonal issues Communication skills International Student Support Unit (ISSU)

International Student Counsellors can help with: Visa related issues Identifying and accessing support resources on campus Special consideration (if you have been seeing a counsellor) International Student Support Unit (ISSU)

International Student Counsellors cannot help with: Advice on academic matters/course choice Immigration advice Medical problems Essay writing, editing, proof-reading Help with understanding subject content International Student Support Unit (ISSU)

Where can I get help? International Student Counsellors ISSU Level 1 (Ground Floor) Services Building International Student Support Unit (ISSU)

Where can I get help? University Health Service Level 3 Wentworth Building International Student Support Unit (ISSU)

Where can I get help? Student Advisers International Office Level1 (Ground Floor) Services Building For administrative and DIAC-related matters International Student Support Unit (ISSU)

GET HELP EARLY! International Student Support Unit (ISSU)

Name: Telephone: I would like an appointment with: ISSU Counsellor  Academic Adviser  Best times: International Student Support Unit (ISSU)


Student Advice and Advocacy Officers (SAAOs) SUPRA’s SAAOs can give you advice about: –Appeals –Harassment and Discrimination –Special Consideration –Tenancy –Centrelink and Financial Assistance –Academic Honesty/Plagiarism –ANYTHING that is making studying difficult for you!

How do I find a SAAO? (02) Drop into the SUPRA office (Building G10 behind the tennis courts and the Services Building).

What’s the Catch? You must be a SUPRA Subscriber… But… It’s FREE! You can subscribe when you make an appointment or on SUPRA’s website.

Undergrad? Go to the SRC Level 1, Wentworth Building