Edinburgh Napier University Prof. Chris Atton
Media theory in practice Staff research in the undergraduate classroom Involves ‘theory rich’ and ‘theory poor’ students Works against intellectual fragmentation Introduction
Alternative media Bringing theory and findings into the curriculum Academic and students researching together A progressivist pedagogy Research Context
Lecture begins with practice, then how theory helps Tutorial: students explore set themes Students draw on theory from other modules Tutorial: two students present papers Case Study: The Process
Next lecture: key learning at meta-cognitive level How did our research enhance our knowledge? What did ‘new’ theory add to our understanding? How were we able to develop critiques? Case Study: Moving Forwards
Research as ‘layers’: discovering and uncovering meanings Progressivist approach to develop critical thinkers Engaging with rapidly developing phenomena Emphasising meta-cognition and self-reflexivity Case Study: Outcomes
‘Intellectually stimulating’ ‘Allowed for a wide range of perspectives to be considered’ ‘Allowed for the formulation of considered opinion’ ‘An opportunity for in-depth discussion’ Case Study: Feedback
Application of systematic and critical assessment Awareness of provisional nature of knowledge Awareness of how knowledge is created, advanced and renewed Awareness of the excitement of changing knowledge Graduate Attributes
Applicable to a wide range of subjects Careful application in vocational programmes Support for students on less ‘theory rich’ programmes Capturing new research without sacrificing depth for breadth Future Development Potential