EUROPEAN LEAD FAST REACTOR The LEADER project aims to define an European Lead Fast Reactor configuration for an industrial-sized (600 MWe, the ELFR) reactor, based on previous results obtained in the frame of the ELSY project, and to develop the conceptual design of ALFRED, the Advanced Lead Fast Reactor European Demonstrator (120 MWe). The objectives of the project activities concerning the ALFRED conceptual design are: to define the main suitable characteristic and design guidelines to design a scaled demonstrator representative of the industrial-sized reactor to use components/technologies already available in the short term to proceed to a timely construction to evaluate the safety aspects and to perform a preliminary safety analysis to minimize the cost of the demonstrator Moreover the demonstrator shall confirm that the newly developed and adopted materials, both structural material and innovative fuel material, are able to sustain high & fast neutron fluxes and high temperatures. LEADER Project Structure ANSALDO AGH CEA CIRTEN EA ENEA KIT-G INR JRC KTH NRG PSI SCK CEN SRS UJV UNIBO Ansaldo Nucleare S.p.A., Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza,.Commissariat a l’Energie Atomique, Inter Universities Consortium for Nuclear Technological Research, Empresarios Agrupados Internacional S.A., Agenzia Nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l’energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute for Nuclear Research, Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, Royal Institute of Technology - Stockholm, Nuclear Research and Consultancy Group, Paul Scherrer Institut, Studiecentrum voor Kernenergie Centre d’Etudes de l’Energie Nucléaire, Servizi di Ricerche e Sviluppo, Ustav Jaderneho Vyzkumu Rez, a.s., Università di Bologna The LEADER project is subdivided in seven Work Packages + Coordination activities: LEADER Project Goals Safety: The safety approach of ALFRED complies with the guidelines developed in the Risk and Safety Working Group (RSWG) of the Generation IV International Forum (GIF) and is strongly based on the application of Defence in Depth. Adopting Passive Safety Systems has been a mandatory criteria since the initial phases of the design of ALFRED. Special features like very low pressure drop (overall primary pressure drop is below 1.5 bars) have been enforced as design goals specifically to enhance the natural circulation of the coolant and allow for a significant grace time following an unprotected transients. ALFRED Key Parameters Power300 MWth (~120 MWe) Thermal efficiency40% (or better) Primary coolantPure lead Primary systemPool type, compact Primary coolant circulation (at power) Forced (mechanical pumps) Primary system pressure loss (at power) < 1.5 bar Primary coolant circulation for DHR Natural circulation Fuel MOX for first loading + consideration for nitrides (with and without MA) Fuel cladding material15-15/Ti as a reference (T91 as an option) Steam Generators8, integrated in the main vessel Secondary cycleWater-superheated steam at 180 bar, °C Primary pumps 8, mechanical, integrated in the Steam Generators, suction from hot collector InternalsAll internals removable Inner vesselCylindrical Hot collectorSmall-volume, enclosed by the Inner Vessel Decay Heat Removal 2 independent, redundant and diverse DHR systems, 3 out of 4 loops of each system are capable of removing the decay heat Seismic design2D isolators supporting the reactor building ALFRED in the ESNII Road Map LFR Activities MYRRHA ALFRED WP2 Core Design WP2 Core Design WP3 Conceptual Design WP3 Conceptual Design WP4 Plant Operation, Control, Instrumentation, and Protection WP4 Plant Operation, Control, Instrumentation, and Protection Design Objectives. Recommendations for waste transmutation, cost minimization and compliance with requirements through design review RECOMMENDATIONSDATA Data for compliance with waste transmutation and the GEN IV goals Results WP7 Education & Training WP7 Education & Training All WPs Waste transmutation Cost estimate Compliance with GEN IV goals Safety evaluation Lead Data Base Validation of key issues Grow-up the future nuclear energy designer Industrial LFR Plant Conceptual Design Design of the scaled/pilot plant ETDR Material Properties and Lead Data Base Oxygen Control SGTR tests Technology collaboration with ROSATOM End-user Advisory Group Safety Authority Advisory Group WP1 Design, Objectives and Specifications WP1 Design, Objectives and Specifications WP5 Safety and Transient Analysis WP5 Safety and Transient Analysis WP6 Lead Technology WP6 Lead Technology Masters thesis topics related & Workshops WP0 Coordination of the Project WP0 Coordination of the Project Decay Heat Removal system: One non safety-grade system, i.e. the secondary system, is used for the normal decay heat removal following the reactor shutdown. Two independent, diverse, highly reliable and redundant safety-related Decay Heat Removal systems are used in case of unavailability of the secondary system. Decay Heat Removal Systems features: Independence is obtained bytwo different systems with no components in common. Diversity is obtained by two systems based on different physical principles. Redundancy is obtained by 3 out of 4 loops (of each system) capable of removing the decay heat. Expanding and extending the project: As a natural follow-on of the project and within ESNII, an on-going effort is currently taking place in order to ESTABLISH A CONSORTIUM INVOLVING LEADING EU ORGANIZATIONS AND RESEARCH INSTITUTIONS aimed at evaluating the conceptual design of ALFRED in view of the future construction phase.