Paris Through the Window, 1913 Oil on canvas, 53.5” X 54 ¾” Marc Chagall Response Paris Through the Window, 1913 Oil on canvas, 53.5” X 54 ¾”
Marc Chagall Marc Chagall was born in a small town in Russia. He studied art in St. Petersburg and then in Paris. From 1919 to 1922, Chagall was the art director of the Moscow Jewish State Theatre. He painted murals in the theater lobby and created sets for the shows. Chagall was one of the first artists to paint pictures that looked like dreams. He is sometimes called an early Surrealist because of his dreamlike style and the element of fantasy in his work. His work also shows the strong influence of his home and Jewish heritage. Childhood memories and religious images are often found in his work. Chagall’s artwork’s combine memories with folklore and fantasy.
Describe: What do you see? List the objects that you see in the painting. Where are they located? Do they seem close to the viewer or in the distance? Is this a nonobjective work, or do the shapes in this work represent objects? Describe the types of elements that dominate, ie. Types of lines and shapes..colours
Analyze: How is this work organized? Are the colours in this work bright or dull? How does this affect the piece’s balance? Does it look realistic or like a dream scene with real objects in unusual places? How is repetition used to create unity? Explain. Describe contrasts that you see? What is emphasized to catch your eye first (focal point)? What leads your eye through the piece and where?
Interpret: What is the artist trying to communicate? Why do you think the head has two faces? Why does the cat have a human face, do you think? What do you think it represents? What tells you, besides the title, that this takes place in Paris? What do you think the artist is trying to get the viewer to feel?
Judge: Is the piece successful? What do you think of the work?Did it make you think? Explain. Is this piece worth considering and why. Is it successful in realistically showing subject matter? Is it put together well? Explain. Does it express a message clearly?