Religion Relationships and Differences By Aaron Subashiq, Dana Velezquez, Matthew Culetu, Petra Udveryheli, and Antonia Gambino Religion Relationships and Differences
Architecture Photographs
Where They Were Originated Islam originated in Ancient Arabia, or more specifically, Mecca, while Christianity was originated in Israel Hinduism and Buddhism were both originated in India Judaism was originated in the Middle East
Food Practices Islam and Judaism both have food restrictions, however kosher and halal food is permitted by both religions Christians are recommended, although not forced to, avoid eating meat on Fridays while Hindus consider beef a major food restriction Buddha exhorted his followers to avoid eating meat
Artwork or Architecture Muslim mosques share many qualities with Jewish synagogues and Christian cathedrals (their round domes) Buddhists created pagodas while Muslims created the Taj Mahal tomb Jewish people created the menorah while Christians created Saint Mary‘s Church
Famous People Both Christianity and Islam worship an almighty being named god Jewish people worship Abraham while Christians worship Jesus Muslims worship Allah while Buddhists worship Buddha Hindus worship a supreme god that is entitled as an entity that exists in and gives life to all living things, however they do worship a number of other gods and goddeses
Population Religions Populations Islam 1.82 billion Christianity Buddhism 376 million Hinduism 900 million Judaism 14 million
Where They Are practiced All 5 religions are practiced worldwide Judaism is practiced in synagogues while Christianity is practiced in churches Islam is practiced in mosques while Buddhism is practiced in temples Mecca is a major meeting center for Muslims while all other religions do not have a major meeting site for all its members
How They Are Practiced Islam, Christianity, Judaism, and Buddhism all are monotheistic, or believe in one god, while Hinduism is Polytheistic Both the Christian holiday of lent and Islamic holiday of Ramadan involve giving up something to show faith Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all believe that in the future good will prevail over evil Jewish people worship the Torah, while Muslims worship the Quran All 5 religions require their members to pray