Minimal Knowledge and Negation as Failure Ming Fang 7/24/2009
Outlines Propositional MBNF Positive MKNF General MKNF Extended MBNF with First-order Quantification Description Logics of MKNF ICs
Propositional MKNF Built from propositional symbols (atoms) using standard propositional connectives and two modal operators B and not. B: “knowledge operator”K not : “assumption operator”A Positive: if a formula or a theory (set of formulas) does not contain the negation as failure operator not.
Propositional MKNF Define when a positive formula F is true in a structure (I,S): (I,S) is a model of positive theory T if: (i) the axioms of T are true in (I,S) (ii) there is no (I’,S ’) such that S’ is a proper superset of S and the axioms of T are true in (I ’,S ’) S is maximized, so the believed propositions are minimized.
Propositional MKNF General MKNF: truth will be defined by a triple (I,S b,S n ) (I,S) is a model of positive theory T if: (i) the axioms of T are true in (I,S,S) (ii) there is no (I’,S’) such that S ’ is a proper superset of S and the axioms of T are true in (I,S’,S)
Propositional MKNF An example: It is true in (I,S’S) when: Then a model must satisfy: (i) (ii) Three cases: (1) F is tautology M=(I,S), S is the set of all interpretations. (2) F is not tautology but a logical consequence of G no model (3) F is not a logical consequence of G M=(I,Mod(G))
Quantification Names: object constants representing all elements of |I | (I,S) is a model of positive theory T if: (i) the axioms of T are true in (I,S,S) (ii) there is no (I’,S’) such that S ’ is a proper superset of S and the axioms of T are true in (I,S’,S)
Quantification An example: Which courses are taught? Which courses are taught by known individuals?
MKNF-DL Goal: represent non-first-order features of frame systems
MKNF-DL A set of interpretations M is a model of Σ if: (i) the structure (M,M) satisfies Σ (ii) for each set of interpretations M’, if M’ M, then (M’,M) does not satisfy Σ
MKNF-DL An ideal rational agent trying to decide which set of propositions to believe. Set of prior beliefs + set of rules new beliefs “logical closure” Deduced set of beliefs coincides with the assumed believe assumed set is justified candidate for the agent to believe in Two kinds of beliefs: Beliefs that the agent assumed (A operator) New beliefs that derived (K operator)
ICs Example 1 IC: Each known employee must be known to be either male or female. Σ = =
ICs Example 1
ICs Example 2 IC: Each known employee has known social security number, which is known to be valid Σ = =