Literary Theory "Literary theory" is the body of ideas and methods we use in the practical reading of literature It formulates the relationship between author and work; It develops the significance of race, class, and gender for literary study. Literary theory offers different approaches for understanding the role of historical context in interpretation as well as the relevance of linguistic and unconscious elements of the text
Literary Theory principles derived from internal analysis of literary texts or from knowledge external to the text that can be applied in multiple interpretive situations. Chinua Achebe --perspective informed by a postcolonial literary theory (exploitation and racism)
Literary Theory Nineteenth century Germany: "higher criticism” or "source criticism" Friedrich Nietzsche: France: Charles Augustin Saint Beuve Marcel Proust
Literary Theory Thea “a view” + horan “to see”
Literary Theory Twentieth century Traditional Literary Criticism Formalism (russian formalist critic Roman Jacobson) , New Criticism
Literary Theory Marxism and Critical Theory. The Frankfurt School (Horkheimer, Adorno, Marcuse, Benjamin) UK:Raymond Williams (Cultural Materialism and Cultural Studies Movement), Terry Eagleton USA Frank Lentricchia, Fredric Jameson
Literary Theory Structuralism (Ferdinand de Saussure . Signifier/signified), Barthes Poststructuralism, Barthes Deconstruction, Reader-response criticism, gender theory, Michel Foucault
Literary Theory New Historicism and Cultural Materialism Stephen Greenblatt
Literary Theory Postcolonial Studies Edward Said Orientalism Homi Bhabha Gayatry Spivak
Literary Theory Gender Studies Feminist theory Elaine Showalter Gynocriticism Judith Butler Men’s Movement Queer theory
Literary Theory Cultural Studies Stuart Hall Tony Bennett Simon During
Literary Theory
Literary Theory
Literary Theory
Literary Theory
Literary Theory
Literary Theory