European Commission Information Society Cultural Heritage Applications Creating a European Library Space New Synergies between National and European Library.


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Presentation transcript:

European Commission Information Society Cultural Heritage Applications Creating a European Library Space New Synergies between National and European Library Policies v Brief historical overview v Underlying objectives v Contribution of projects to policy v “Green Paper” impetus v Emerging opportunities

European Commission Information Society Cultural Heritage Applications Building a European Library Space How it all started: v 1985: Exploratory work triggered by EP and Council v : FP3 Preparing for change v : FP4 Consolidation leading in 1999 to v IST programme:Digital Heritage and Cultural Content

European Commission Information Society Cultural Heritage Applications Creating a European Library Space Underlying objectives: v Access to modern library services across Europe v Cost-effective penetration of new technologies in libraries v Standardisation for better impact v Harmonisation of national policies

European Commission Information Society Cultural Heritage Applications Creating a European Library Space A project-based approach, first initiating change through: v Computerised bibliographies v International linking of systems v Innovative services to satisfy user needs v Stimulus for new tools and services

European Commission Information Society Cultural Heritage Applications Creating a European Library Space Under FP4, the priorities became: v European cooperation v Networking across boundaries v Mediating access to knowledge v Promoting new library services

European Commission Information Society Cultural Heritage Applications Creating a European Library Space The project-based approach was designed to catalyse interest in new technologies by: v creating new partnerships v pooling experience from different sources v providing funding for common objectives v widening take-up across Europe

European Commission Information Society Cultural Heritage Applications Creating a European Library Space vActivities (FP4 & FP5): 390 R&D projects 314 support actions 326 background studies 310 conferences/workshops 3several concertation exercises

European Commission Information Society Cultural Heritage Applications Creating a European Library Space Impetus of European Parliament: vMarch 1987, the Morgan report called on the Commission to: “come forward with a Green Paper regarding the role of libraries in the European Information Society, thus initiating a debate covering such issues as copyright, the promotion of reading and books, public access to electronic information, public lending rights, the training needs of librarians”

European Commission Information Society Cultural Heritage Applications Creating a European Library Space This led to preparatory work on the scene across Europe: v 96,000 libraries v 240,000 library staff v 400,000 new books per year but v Language/cultural differences v National variations in library networking v Different “library cultures” especially in public libraries

European Commission Information Society Cultural Heritage Applications Creating a European Library Space Issues requiring our special attention began to emerge: vCultural identity vLifelong learning vCopyright vLiteracy vCost of service Closing the gap between the information rich and the information poor

European Commission Information Society Cultural Heritage Applications Creating a European Library Space Our investigation of the situation across Europe revealed: v Considerable progress in addressing key issues through national programmes v Development of specific library policies in some countries v Some considerable shortcomings particularly regarding support for public libraries

European Commission Information Society Cultural Heritage Applications Creating a European Library Space Early 1998, contacts with Mirja Ryynänen, MEP, on a report on the Role of Libraries in the Modern World v Sharing our information sources v Discussion of priorities to be addressed v Preparing Commission response to the EP debate on the report in October 1998 This led to strong Commission endorsement of the Ryynänen agenda with emphasis on Citizens’ Access

European Commission Information Society Cultural Heritage Applications Creating a European Library Space Recent developments: v Project work has led to further incentive for policy building action at EU level, e.g. via Cobra, Publica declarations, EBLIDA awareness building, PECO extensions v General support for extended agenda by Mr Liikannen v No Commission “Green Paper” or “Communication” v Main issues should now be addressed specifically by Cultural Applications Unit under existing structures

European Commission Information Society Cultural Heritage Applications Creating a European Library Space In conclusion, some personal observations: v Rome information day: vice minister’s support v PLACCAI conference in Poland v Contributions to policy documents, e.g. in UK and Ireland v Enthusiasm of public librarians in Portugal v The growing Web presence across Europe v Our emerging impact study

European Commission Information Society Cultural Heritage Applications Libraries in the Information Society European Parliament Resolution (Oct. 98) encouraged: 3Library provision of public access at local level including information on the EU and its Member States  and recognised: 3Importance of a modern European library infrastructure in support of the economic, social and cultural life of the EU