The Tenure and Promotion Application Process
Each candidate is responsible for compiling the materials for his/her application with the assistance of the Dean, Department Chair, and college faculty support staff.
Access to Materials
Tenure & Promotion Schedule
New Faculty
Key Date/ Deadline Arts & Sciences BusinessEducationLibraryAction July 31, 2015 (CAS) X Student Evaluations of Teaching forms (completed by college T&P contact) are forwarded to faculty members for inclusion in their applications August 7, 2015 (CAS) X Applicants submit teaching section and research section of application to Department Chair to complete teaching summary narrative (refer to page 10 of application) and Assessment of Published/Creative Works (refer to page 25 of the application) September 2, 2015 (CAS) X Completed** T&P Applications due in Dean’s Office September 7, 2015 (CAS) X Applications are made available to the Department Committee September 25, 2015 (CAS) X Department Committee reports due to Dean’s Office
Key Date/ Deadline Arts & Sciences BusinessEducationLibraryAction September 30, 2015 (COB, COE, LIB) XXX Student Evaluations of Teaching forms (completed by college T&P contact) are forwarded to faculty members for inclusion in their applications Note: Library applicants only if applicable September 30, 2015 (COB, COE, LIB) XXX Applicants submit teaching section and research section of application to the Dean’s Office to complete teaching summary narrative (refer to page 10 of application) and Assessment of Published/Creative Works (refer to page 25 of the application) October 2, 2015 * (CAS) X Candidate response due to Department Committee report due (5 days maximum) October 5, 2015* (CAS) X Applications made available to Department Chairs for Evaluation * The candidate has 5 calendar days from receipt of the report by to respond if he/she chooses to do so. Dates determined by the date of receipt.
Key Date/ Deadline Arts & Sciences BusinessEducationLibraryAction October 23, 2015 (CAS) X Department Chair reports due to Dean’s Office October 23, 2015 (COB & COE) XX Completed** T&P Applications due in Dean’s Office October 23, 2015 (LIB) X Completed Promotion Applications due in Dean’s Office October 30, 2015* (CAS) X Candidate response due to Department Chair report (5 days maximum) October 30, 2015* (COB, COE, LIB) XXX Applications made available to the College T&P Committee/Library Promotion Committee November 20, 2015XXxX College T&P Committee reports due to the Dean’s Office; Library Promotion Committee report due to Dean
Key Date/ Deadline Arts & Sciences BusinessEducationLibraryAction November 30, 2015* XXxX Candidate response due to College T& P Committee/Library Promotion Committee report (5 days maximum) January 4, 2016XXXXDean’s reports due January 8, 2016*XXXX Candidate response to Dean’s report due (5 days maximum) January 15, 2016XXXX Tenure and Promotion applications due to Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs January 17, 2016XXX T&P Applications to USFSP T&P Committee February 19, 2016XXX USFSP T&P Committee reports due to Vice Chancellor’s Office February 26, 2016*XXX Candidate response due to USFSP T&P Committee (5 days days)
Key Date/ Deadline Arts & Sciences BusinessEducationLibraryAction March 11, 2016XXXX Vice Chancellor T&P/Library Promotion recommendations March 18, 2016*XXXX Candidate response to Vice Chancellor recommendations (5 days max from receipt) March 23, 2016XXXXVice Chancellor recommendations to Chancellor April 18, 2016XXXXChancellor T&P recommendations to President May 2016XXX Tenure materials due to Board of Trustees ACE Workgroup May 2016XXX ACE Workgroup review of tenure recommendations June 2016XXX USF Board of Trustees meeting- Tenure actions June/July 2016XXXX Tenure and/or Promotion Letters sent from the President
Application is Submitted as a PDF file
How to Assemble Your Tenure and/or Promotion Application
Guidelines Follow the format of the Tenure and Promotion Application. Arial Font, 10 Pitch Size is the recommended format choice. Pages that are inserted should be labeled as a, b, c, etc. (e.g. 21a, 21b, 22a, 22b, 22c).
Guidelines Each section will be labeled (named as a separate file): Introduction; General Data; Assigned Duties; Teaching; Research; Service; External Reviews; Evaluations; Mid-Point Review Evaluations; Tenure Recommendation; Promotion Recommendation; Amendments, Curriculum Vitae. Sections MUST be labeled.
Common Errors Not following page number system Missing signatures Missing student comments Missing chair’s evaluation of teaching Missing chair's evaluation of published works.
Common Errors Missing annual evaluations Not submitting actual copy of external review letter (inserting template) Not including all reviews and comments
How to Assemble Your Application Folder # 1 (named: Your Last Name Application) will contain the Tenure and Promotion Application along with the following information for each section of the application (teaching, research and service) Q:\Tenure and Promotion
How to Assemble Your Application Your Curriculum Vitae (Part 13) should be complete with all publications listed.
Teaching Section In addition to your teaching narrative, include the following information in this section: –Student Assessment Data (starting on page 10; additional pages in this section will be numbered 10a, 10b, 10c, etc.) Include both the numerical data summary information and student comments from Evaluation Mart.Evaluation Mart
Teaching Section In addition to your teaching narrative, include the following information in this section: –Peer evaluation summaries (if applicable) –Summary of student grades –Summary narrative by the department chair or members of the faculty review committee must be included (section F)
Research In addition to your research narrative, include the following information in this section: –Include information only on publications since assuming your position at USFSP. If you received years of credit toward tenure at the time of your hire, you should include publications in the years credited.
Research In addition to your research narrative, include the following information in this section: –Provide an explanation of your intellectual contribution to co-authored publications –Department Chair/Director’s Assessment of Published/Creative Works (section D)
Service In addition to your service narrative, include the following information in this section: –Complete the relevant sections –Be as complete as possible (e.g., include dates and explain the importance of your service if it’s not obvious)
Evaluations by Department, College and Dean Include copies of your annual evaluations
Folder #2 Will contain supplemental information for teaching, research and service.
Teaching Supplemental information may include –Syllabi –Course handouts –Examples of student works (including abstracts of directed theses), both graded and ungraded –Letters of support from students, thank you letters, etc.
Research Supplemental information may include –Copies of publications (journal articles, book chapters, book and article reviews, etc.) –Do not include copies of grant proposals or papers presented (you need only to list them in the application)
Service Supplemental information may include –Thank you letters –Certificates of Recognition
IMPORTANT Candidates are strongly encouraged to retain a copy of the application for their files.