RDA in library linked data applications Gordon Dunsire Presented at FSR 2014 Rome February 2014
Overview RDA elements constrained to FRBR Unconstrained versions for non-FRBR applications Inferences Maps Interoperability Issues
rdae:P20037 “has rdac:C10002rdac:C10006 label range rdau:P60385 “Relates an expression to a person, family, or corporate body contributing to an expression of a work by expressing the original text of the work in a language different from that of the original “Relates a resource to an agent contributing to a resource by expressing the original text of the resource in a language different from that of the original domain label subPropertyOf definition semantic constraints human + machine inferences
ex:1 rdae:P20037 ex:2 “thing 1 has translator thing 2” ex:1 rdf:type rdac:C10006ex:2 rdf:type rdac:C10002 ex:1 rdau:P60385 ex:2 “thing 1 is a Expression” “thing 2 is a Agent” “thing 1 has translator thing 2”
bibo:numPagesbibo:numVolumesrdam:extentisbd:”has extent”dct:extentrdam:extentOfTextdct:formatrdau:extentrdau:extentOfTextdc:formatrdau:durationrdae:durationm21:M306__am21:M300unim:U127__aunim:U215__a
ex:3 rdam:extentOfText “xvii, 323 ex:3 rdam:extent “xvii, 323 dct:extent dct:format rdau:extent rdau:extentOfText ex:4 m21:M300 “1 map : col. ; 30 x 55 ex:4 rdau:extent “1 map : col. ; 30 x 55 dct:extent dct:format
Issues Interoperability of classes (domain entities) Resource; WEMI, Document, Collection Synchronization of unconstrained properties “Relates a resource to a resource that describes a described entity.” Property refinement; e.g. “has translator” “has translator person” “has translator family” “has translator corporate body”
Thank you! rdaregistry.info