The area
The cities
Municipality of Delta
Municipality of Kavadarci
The partnership
The river ( Axios – Vardar/ Luda Mara)
The problem
The water cycle
The proposal Protection of environmental resources and the encouragement of local communities to participate actively in this process. Strong involvement of the civil society Creation of an alarm mechanist for the case of pollution Establishment of a data base with the pollutants in all river area and a proposal guideline for the authorities
The tools Inform the local societies and specific target groups like: young people Farmers People living and working next to the river Authorities Entrepreneurs NGOs
The methodology Creation of an IT platform and equipment for the control of water pollution. Sensitizes local citizens, farmers, entrepreneurs, representatives of local authorities, young people and organizations for the need of the protection of the river. Use communication tools to inform the media about the needs of the river and the reaction of the pollution to the local societies.
The target Active involvement of the local society for the protection of the river.
The target An electronic alarm system for any river pollution
The target Info days, info events and materials
The budget ,44 € coming from
Hope to go from
More info Please contact us at: Thanks a lot.