Stewardship Learnings Trip to USA 21 July - 10 August St Dominic’s San Francisco Sacred Heart Boise Idaho St Patrick’s & St Xavier’s Spokane Washington St Michael’s Olympia Washington St Thomas More Centennial, Denver Holy Apostles Colorado Springs
Stewardship Learnings 1. Clarity of Vision Parish Vision, Mission Statements and Values are spoken about regularly and are evident (eg on public display) in: -parish buildings -banners -newsletters -parish literature -corporate clothing
Stewardship Learnings 2. Collaborative, Creative & Intentional Leadership Where pastoral leaders and parish staff work together as a cohesive team with: common vision and goals appreciation of their complementary gifts and charisms clarity of roles then great energy, creativity and capacity is released and stewardship flourishes
Stewardship Learnings 3. Evangelical Culture Stewardship flourishes where there is a Kingdom vision that: moves beyond parish boundaries and is inclusive of all people actively supports the baptismal mission of every Christian in daily life seeks ways to evangelise those who do not know Christ. Faith witnessing becomes part of the culture and parishioners learn how to share their faith with others.
Stewardship Learnings 4. Ongoing Education Stewardship Messages need to be continually given in: liturgy (homilies, prayers of the faithful, prayers, gestures) parish newsletters/bulletins educational literature ministry directories parish publications study groups on the US Bishops Pastoral Letter stewardship seminars to create a common language and culture of stewardship.
Stewardship Learnings 5. Stewardship needs to be Modelled and Witnessed Stewardship parishes continually: affirm good stewardship practices profile good stewards find fresh witnesses provide models of generosity of giving find creative ways to draw children and youth into time, talent and treasure practices
Stewardship Learnings 6. Regular Campaigns The parish calendar reflects a commitment to annual stewardship campaigns for: prayer (time) ministry (talent) finance (treasure) faith formation (faith) care for the environment (earth) God’s call on our life (vocation)
Stewardship Learnings 7. Prayer is the Starting Point Encouraging people to grow in their relationship with God through prayer is vital. This provides the fertile ground for parish ministry and mission. Praying parishes have a dynamism and unity that goes the distance when enthusiasm wanes or gets choked. It unleashes the power and creativity of the Holy Spirit and provides great hope amidst many challenges.
Stewardship Learnings 8. Welcoming is a priority Every parishioner needs to see it as part of their role to be welcoming and friendly, otherwise parish welcoming initiatives (eg greeters, gathering space coffee, invitation cards, welcome at the beginning of Mass) will be experienced as stop gap measures at best. All it takes is 30 secs to say hello and greet someone to make a lasting impression.
Stewardship Learnings 9. Formation for Ministry Equipping volunteers for their ministry is key. Volunteers are far more effective, confident and capable if they have undertaken a basic training / formation course relevant to their specific ministry. Clarity of expectations and role definition are important if the ministry is to be fruitful for both the volunteer and the recipient.
Stewardship Learnings 10. Transparency and Accountability All aspects of parish life, ministry and mission are communicated through a variety of means to inform and demonstrate effective stewardship of parish resources and practices. Newsletters, annual reports, magazines, booklets, websites, letters etc are created and circulated to ensure that parishioners are aware of what is happening.