A Mariathon is a predefined, specific period of time (12, 24, 42 hours, or 42 days) during which we make the listeners aware by means of special broadcasts (specific programmes with interviews, announcements, prayer time, information, etc.) designed to meet defined and specific needs.
These needs could be any of the following: A sum of money which is needed to cover ordinary expenses; Financing of a concrete project, a new transmitter, new mobile studios, new technology, computers, broadcast studio, etc
It is necessary for everything to happen in a live broadcast, thoroughly explaining the project which needs support and which openly talks about its costs and income. Whenever possible, listeners will be involved, over the telephone, through the sharing of testimonies, while bearing in mind that it is also important for the Coordinator, Promoter, and Director to be present on air.
What is needed: A special current account (and other kinds of means for the collection of possible donations); Phone lines by volunteers (so that listeners can be called to confirm their donation and to share information). Entity in charge: EXCOM, for diverse functions in this area Implementation of Action Plan: Director and Coordinator
A Mariathon has 3 phases
1. Preparatory phase Advance announcement of the event on a live broadcast and through detailed information in the paper; Establishment of procedures for gathering donations (special account, money boxes, etc.); Gathering of all information which relates to our focus; Organising an efficient telephone system; Preparation of specific programming with all the individuals who will participate in it; Training aimed at phone operators (e.g., how to fill out forms).
2. Event phase Communicating, several times and every hour, the goal/objective to achieve (concrete amount); Joyful opening of the day’s activities (for example, Mass from a well-known parish church, live music broadcasts from other churches or parish halls); Programmes with testimonies, interviews, and news, whether about the project to be financed, or about the Radio Maria project and mission (for example, from testimonies by individuals from the new region are gathered to create a new framework); Special live broadcast prayer, Updating listeners every half hour about donation levels/results.
3. Post-event phase — follow up Inform listeners about how the financed project is being accomplished (over the air, newsletters, website, etc.). It is important for us to allow listeners to also participate during the concrete development phase of this, ‘their’ project; Inform the listening audience of results achieved for the carrying out of the project which has been introduced using our methods of communication (over the air, newsletter, website, etc.);
Live broadcast of the inauguration of the new project (e.g., new transmitter, new studio, etc); Moments of special thanks (live broadcast of Mass, initial testimonies about the financed project).