The Purpose of Lent 2 Chronicles 30:1, 6-9, 13-20,26,27
Key verses “But Hezekiah prayed for them, saying, "May the LORD, who is good, pardon everyone who sets his heart on seeking God-the LORD, the God of his fathers-even if he is not clean according to the rules of the sanctuary." And the LORD heard Hezekiah and healed the people.” 2 Chronicles 30:18-20
Key Ideas Hezekiah led a season of spiritual renewal. Lent is an annual season of spiritual renewal with similar purposes.
Good Questions How did the people seek God? What actions indicated that they had set their hearts on spiritual renewal? How can we find spiritual renewal?
Renewal through repentance God’s worship neglected –Ahaz had turned to other gods 28:23 –God’s people had neglected his sanctuary 29:7 –Passover neglected 30:3; 30:36
Renewal through repentance Hezekiah called for repentance –Confession of spiritual neglect 29:6,7 –Repentance “return to the Lord.” 30:6 –Cleared away the things associated with the evil deeds 30:14
Renewal through spiritual practices (Hezekiah) Opened the door of the temple 29:3 Reconsecrated temple, leaders, and people 29:4,5 Celebrated Passover 30:5
Renewal through spiritual practices today Attitude of reconsecration Worship, Sacraments Sunday School, Bible study Prayer times Acts of service
When you seek but don’t find yet… Am I being obedient? Am I growing in devotional disciplines? Are strong emotions blocking me? What is my definition of “find”? The “dark night of the soul” test of faith Trust in God’s grace.
Renewal by remembering (Hezekiah) Celebrated Passover 30:5 Passover was way of remembering Passover was a way of teaching about the Exodus event.
Renewal by remembering today Annual times of the church year serve the same purpose. Lent is a time to remember and reflect upon the sacrifice of Christ on the cross; the circumstances of his death and the meaning of his death Remembering is also teaching.
Prayers and promises to seekers “Blessed are those whose strength is in you, who have set their hearts on pilgrimage.” Ps 84:5