Focus on Reports Session 5 Cash Balance by Project To print: Right click Choose “Print” Change option “Print What?” from “slides” to “note pages” Click ok
To show the cash balance (Revenue available to spend minus expenditures) of a Revenue Project. Purpose of report
Award PrefixCash Balance Award BBA G Managed centrally Yes SG/LG Managed centrally Yes LC Managed centrally Yes SR Managed centrally Yes EI/DI/FI Managed centrally Yes SP/LP Managed centrally EU/ERYes DU/DRYes FA/IP/YYYes SA/LAYes LS/SSYes Revenue Project Manager – Cash Management Award Manager – Award Management
Net of: Revenue Project’s GL Activity and Expenditure Project GA Activity = Cash Balance
Two reports UVA Cash Balance by Project –Original: Standard Report run from IS –Run for only one revenue project –Production Data (current as of last batch update) IS.GL_Cash Balance by Project –New: Discoverer report run from ODS –Run for a MBU, Department, Org, or single revenue project –ODS Data – (normally one day behind production data)
Discoverer Version IS.GL_Cash Balance by Project
Flexible Parameters A. B. C. 1.Select period for which to show balances 2.Select a Revenue Project owning org, or enter partial with %, or enter % 3.Enter a specific revenue project number or enter % Next 4.Select a MBU or enter % 5.Select a Department or enter % 6.Show GL Object Code detail (Y) (default) or Show GL Object Code summary (N) Next 7.Show GA Object Code detail (Y) or Show GA Award Number summary (N) (default) 8.Default to prior period (Y) if you intend to schedule the report and have it automatically default to the prior period. (N – default) Finish
ER12345 Endowment xyz 2 Major Report Sections Non Operational represents the University’s long term assets and agency funds which are not usually used to support annual operating expenses. Operational represents funds expendable for carrying out the primary purpose of the University: instruction, research, and public service. They are normally used for annual operating expenses.
Award PrefixCash BalanceReport Section G n/a SG/LG Managed centrallyOperational LC Managed centrallyOperational SR Managed centrallyOperational EI Managed centrallyNon-Operational Operational DI/FI Managed centrallyOperational SP/LP Managed centrallyNon-Operational EU/ER Managed by DepartmentNon-Operational Operational DU/DR Managed by DepartmentOperational FA/IP Managed by DepartmentOperational YY Managed by DepartmentNon-Operational SA/LA Managed by DepartmentOperational LS/SS Managed by DepartmentOperational Cash Balance Report – who uses it and what to expect
Amount Types GL Revenue Project Activity GA Expenditure Project Activity DR10101 EX-MPLE Sundry Gifts
Positive balances = Account deficit Negative balances are good! Actual Cash Balance Cash Balance after commitments Cash BalancesCurrent Activity
Standard Report Version UVA Cash Balance by Project
Note: This report can only be run for a “Revenue project” (one that funds an award).
Cash Balance Negative balance is good! GL GA