July 2006Macroeconomic Policy & Management1 Executive Program on Macroeconomic Policy & Management Growth and Poverty Alleviation prepared by Bruce Bolnick updated by Can Erbil
July 2006Macroeconomic Policy & Management2 Outline Introduction Measurement of “poverty” The global poverty picture Relationship between growth and poverty Macroeconomic policy & poverty reduction
July 2006Macroeconomic Policy & Management3
July 2006Macroeconomic Policy & Management4 Measurement of poverty Poverty as a multidimensional concept “unacceptable deprivation in human welfare” economic, physiological, social Millennium Development Goals include: 1. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger 2. Achieve universal primary education 3. Promote gender equality and empower women 4. Reduce child mortality 5. Improve maternal health 6. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases 7. Ensure environmental sustainability – including access to safe drinking water
July 2006Macroeconomic Policy & Management5 Millennium Development Goals and indicators for monitoring progress
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July 2006Macroeconomic Policy & Management7 Establishing the “poverty line” Data source: nationally representative household surveys World Bank compilation of household survey data National poverty lines o Relative poverty – Example: 1/2 x mean income o Absolute poverty – often based on cost of minimally adequate food basket International standard o PPP$1 per day, or PPP$2 per day o Problems with PPP measures
July 2006Macroeconomic Policy & Management8 Example: Poverty incidence in Mozambique Headcount index, 1996/97 household survey National poverty estimate69.4% World Bank data show37.9% at PPP$1 78.4% at PPP$2 Per capita income (WDR2004)ERPPP Mozambique$210$1000 Nigeria$290$ 780 Malawi$160$ 570 lowest:Sierra Leone$140$ 490
July 2006Macroeconomic Policy & Management9 Global Poverty Picture Enormous gains in human welfare over past half century Worldwide extreme poverty (PPP$1) declined during 1990s from 30% to 23% World as a whole appears to be on track to achieve MDG target #1: reducing extreme poverty in half by 2015 Mostly due to China & India! But… o Absolute number of poor declining very slowly o Average per capita income fell in 54 countries o “Grotesque” inequality o Priority: Africa
July 2006Macroeconomic Policy & Management10 Other estimates more optimistic Methodology: National Income Accounts + income distribution patterns from household surveys 1)Surjit Bhalla, Imagine There’s No Country, IIE, 2002: World poverty 44% 1980 13% 2000 MDG #1 already achieved! 2)Xavier Sala-i-Martin, The World Distribution of Income. NBER WP8904, Global poverty rate PPP$ 1 per day: 20% 5% PPP$2 per day: 44% 18% Also -- reduction in global inequality!
July 2006Macroeconomic Policy & Management11 Relationship between growth and poverty Widespread skepticism: “the poor get poorer” Yet the empirical evidence is compelling -- that growth is the single most powerful instrument for poverty reduction Believe it or not – Numerous studies find a 1:1 relationship (on average) between overall growth, per capita, and improvements in income and consumption for the poor. The structure of growth and distribution of the benefits are also essential policy concerns
July 2006Macroeconomic Policy & Management12 Pro-poor growth policies Capacity, opportunity, empowerment, security o Investment in education, health, sanitation o Infrastructure o Financial services o Land tenure o Agricultural research and extension o Red tape – barriers facing MSMEs (micro, small and medium enterprises) o Labor-intensive manufacturing o Safety nets (affordability?) o Participation, consultation, governance
July 2006Macroeconomic Policy & Management13 Role for Macroeconomic Policy Macroeconomic stability growth Macroeconomic instability vulnerability Policy implications o Fiscal policy and debt management o Monetary policy o Exchange rate policy o Financial market policy Mobilization of financing for poverty reduction o Obligations of international community o Trend towards aid selectivity
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