Excel Tips and Tricks PgP MIS 462
Important Learn how to use help! PgP MIS 462
PgP MIS 202 Excel Tips Working with Hyperlinks –Task: create 2.xls files, with mutual hyperlinks Shortcut to enter today’s date –Ctrl + ;
PgP MIS 202 Excel Tips Right click status bar, choose ‘quick functions’ –Can select multiple non- contiguous cells AutoFill to speed up data entry –Office Button>Excel Options>Edit Custom Lists…
PgP MIS 202 Excel Tips Creating a custom template (.xlt) \Program Files\Microsoft Office\Templates\1033 Seven available- Billing, BloodPressure,Expenses, Loan, Budget, Sales, TimeCard Open and examine
PgP MIS 202 Breakeven Analysis Search for template(s) at available Download and examine “Breakeven analysis”
PgP MIS 202 Custom Formats
PgP MIS 202 Columns & Rows What is maximum row height? AutoFormat
PgP MIS 202 Conditional Formatting Examine CondForm.xls Find Conditional Formatting- Edit>GoTo> special…
PgP MIS 202 Page Breaks Page Break Preview
Workbook Organization
PgP MIS 202 Understand Locking and Protection Format>Cells>Protection tab All cells initially locked Add protection to invoke locking selected cells
PgP MIS 202 Protecting Workbook Structure-cannot insert, delete…worksheets Windows-prevent resizing
PgP MIS 202 Protecting Worksheets Prevent inadvertent changes to formulas…
PgP MIS 202 Worksheet Tabs Add names Change tab colors
PgP MIS 202 InterWorksheet References Examine SalesSum.xls
PgP MIS 202 Inter Workbook References Examine SalesLnk.xls
PgP MIS 202 Shared Workbooks Create one on \\store\classes\ \shared \\store\classes\ \shared Experiment with settings, Tools>Share Workbook… Create shared workbook on Portal, My Site
Customizing Excel
PgP MIS 202 Custom Views For current workbook Save time View>Custom Views…
PgP MIS 202 Printing Examine tabs in File>Page Setup… Scaling, Header/Footer, Print titles, Gridlines, Row and column headings, comments
PgP MIS 202 Panes Freeze Split
PgP MIS 202 Options Calculation-F9, Manual, Iteration Formulas-R1C1 reference Custom Lists Security-Digital Signatures
PgP MIS 202 Add-Ins,.xla,.xll Provide special functionality –Analysis Toolpak –Analysis Toolpak-VBA –Solver
PgP MIS 202 Add-Ins Create your own See MSDNMSDN
Formulas and Functions
PgP MIS 202 Formulas vs Results Toggle using Ctrl + ~ –Formula vs Values
PgP MIS 202 Relative, Absolute and Mixed References Examine Log.xls from Companion Content Highlight formula bar, cycle references using F4 Do exercise in book, Building a Formula
PgP MIS 202 Operator Precedence Search Help! Parentheses to override!
PgP MIS 202 Built-In Functions Formulas>Insert Function… 200 functions by category Examine arguments –Note required, optional
PgP MIS 202 Function Errors
PgP MIS 202 Named Ranges Simplify Formulas Formulas>Name Manager Review section material carefully, important!
PgP MIS 202 Charts Insert>Chart Examine SalesSum.xls
PgP MIS 202 Chart Planning Data set? Most other options can be changed later
PgP MIS 202 Chart Formatting Review options, choices Examine SalesSum.xls
Lists, Filters, PivotTables
PgP MIS 202 Lists Examine Pivot.xls Provided guidelines follow database theory Note use of data entry forms Review Sorting options
PgP MIS 202 AutoFilter Use Pivot.xls, set AutoFilter Set up Custom AutoFilter
PgP MIS 202 List Subtotals Note levels Note function subtotals –Sum, Count, Average…
PgP MIS 202 Converting Lists to.mdb Why? Excel has limitations Simple to do, use Access, File>Open
PgP MIS 202 PivotTables, PivotCharts Data Analysis and Organization Experiment with the Wizard using Pivot.xls
PgP MIS 202 Lists in SharePoint Create list with Pivot.xls Save to WSU portal
Business Analysis
PgP MIS 202 Goal Seek Examine GoalSeek.xls
PgP MIS 202 Solver Examine Solver.xls Make sure to install Solver Add-In –Office Button>Excel Options>Add-Ins…>click Go… Named Ranges simplifies understanding Follow book example
PgP MIS 202 Scenario Manager for What-If Examine Scenario.xls Scenarios for Best Case/Worst Case –Scenario reports-Summary
Web Publishing and XML
PgP MIS 202 Excel Web Page Be aware of feature limitations Static vs dynamic –.html snapshot –.xls file, requires IE 4.01+
PgP MIS 202 Excel Web Page Publish Pivot.xls to your web site –Browse to and try to open it –Try to use Solver –Try to use Goal Seek What are the benefits?
PgP MIS 202 Excel on the Web Web Query – m/scripts/webquote.dllhttp://moneycentral.msn.co m/scripts/webquote.dll Get Data –Data>From Web Modify Data –Data>Connections Data refreshed when workbook is opened
PgP MIS 202 XML Data XML is a universal, open, nonproprietary, text-based format that is rapidly becoming the common medium for data exchange Use Inventory.xml