LMRFC GIS Activities Currently generate ~ 4,500 web graphics daily via ArcView 3.1 Avenue and ArcGIS standalone VB and ArcGIS VBA scripts. Used to support development and operations (GFFG, Dambreak, hydraulic modeling). Offsite graphics server.
LMRFC GIS Configuration Windows PC inside AWIPS firewall. –ArcView3.1 (PC) with Spatial Analyst –ArcGIS 8.2 and 9.2 with Spatial and 3-D Analyst –GIS data obtained by direct read or copy from the Linux drive using SAMBA, ftp or SSH. Southern/Western/Central Region ArcGIS License server accessible to PCs on the SR network. GRASS 6.0 installed on AWIPS for test purposes only at current time.
Offsite Graphic Generation PC located at SRH with ArcView3.1, ArcGIS 9.2 and other supporting software function as a primary graphic server. Graphics server is accessed via Windows Remote Desktop Connection from PC within Southern Region network. AWIPS text data for Daily MAP, Contour Gage Analysis, and FFG obtained from SR NOAAPORT. ( Grids and backup text products sent by Anonymous ftp to separate drive mounted to the server. SRH Internet Server (martha2) is SAMBA mounted – images are directly copied to the server, ftp as backup.
Current Status Scripts in place to pull text products off NOAAPORT for graphic generation (daily MAP, FFG, Contoured Gage Analysis). Working ArcView/ArcGIS projects on SRH graphics server: –SR/CR/ER FFG – day MPE –Drill-down status maps –QPF –Daily MAP Would like to have remaining issues resolved to make available to other SR RFCs by end of 2007.
Remaining Issues Windows Task Scheduler: –can’t run ArcView/ArcGIS projects or scripts unless logged in. –Requires user password to add scheduled task (password rotation becomes an issue, wind up with scheduled tasks each with different passwords) Admin privileges – we do not have them, rely on SR to re-boot machine any time a Windows update is added, also limits our ability to trouble shoot issues when SR staff are unavailable. Support? – If SR machine goes down, we re-start graphic generation at LMRFC. Support at SRH is limited to key staff availability. Need some method of sending notification back to RFC of problems (SMTP, ?) Rsync and security? – With current Rsync configuration we cannot copy files from graphics server to Martha since it must be mirrored on local LMRFC machine.
New Gridded FFG (GFFG) GFFG running in parallel with legacy FFG since March ABRFC recently provided executable to create 12 and 24hr FFG grids. We can now generate Areal guidance for ER offices. Max/Min threshold limits to be applied to 12 and 24 hr Areal FFG Text product via script outside of GFFG. Channel fullness option set up and running for comparison. Begin transmitting to WFOs on August 13, and will provide WFO training in August.
Recent GFFG Success July 2007 flash flood event in WFO GSP. Localized 3+ inches rainfall. GSP called about Areal FFG being high following event, decreased from 2.7 to 2.5 in. Lumped legacy FFG grid does not fully reflect localized rainfall events, whereas gffg does. 24 hr MPE Rainfall Legacy 1hr gridded FFGNew 1hr gffg
ABRFC and LMRFC GFFG in D2D ABRFC/LMRFC boundary is almost indistinguishable Big improvement in the age old issue of RFC FFG consistency
LMRFC Hydraulic Modeling HEC-RAS/FLDWAV: –Vermilion R. in S. LA (storm surge/inland flooding) –Pearl R in Central MS –Pascagoula R. in coastal MS. DWOPER-FLDWAV Conversion: –UMISS/OHIO/TN Junction –Middle/Lower Mississippi –Storm Surge
HEC-RAS Modeling Scripts automate conversion of OFS time series to HEC-DSS format, and set up run-time window and initial conditions files for HEC-RAS. Scripts in place to write HEC-RAS time series back to OFS. Goal is to have ensemble of forecasts from NWSRFS hydrologic model, FLDWAV and HEC- RAS for viewing in IFP. Working on calibrations of HEC-RAS with historical data sets.
Rules of Thumb GUI Provides documentation and guidance on Rules of Thumb forecast (wave height, attenuation and travel time). Compute estimates of breach width and breach time based on historical regression equations for use in SMPDBK, FLDWAV or HEC-RAS dambreak runs. Compute estimated peak outflow based on historical regression equations. Compute estimated flood wave travel time. Compute and plot a typical breach hydrograph based on estimated peak flows. Coded in Python - will run on AWIPS as is or on PC with Python installed.
Rules of Thumb GUI Documentation is built in