Professor George Oliver Defense Institute for International Legal Studies
CHANGING NATURE OF SECURITY IN THE 21 st CENTURY End of Colonialism End of the Cold War Global Terrorism
Failed States Index Fund for Peace and Council on Foreign Relations
UN SECRETARY GENERALS Trygve Lie (Norway) Term of Office: Dag Hammarskjöld (Sweden)Term of Office: U Thant (Myanmar) Term of Office: Kurt Waldheim (Austria)Term of Office: Javier Perez de Cuellar (Peru)Term of Office: Boutros Boutros-Ghali (Egypt) Term of Office: Kofi A. Annan (Ghana) Term of Office: Ban Ki-moon (Republic of Korea)Term of Office Kofi A. Annan (Ghana) Boutros Boutros-Ghali (Egypt)
An Agenda for Peace First ideas come from UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali in 1992 Introduces the term peace building Concept revised in 1995 with greater expansion on peace building “…implementation of post-conflict peace-building can, however, be complicated.” Agenda for Peace, 1995
Kofi Annan – UNSYG We the Peoples: The Role of the UN in the 21 st Century (2000) Responsibility to Protect (2001) A More Secure World (2004) In Larger Freedoms (2005) Millennium Summit (2005)
From a More Secure World: Our shared Responsibility
MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS A/RES/55/2 By 2015 Half the number of people living on less than $1 per day All children receive primary education Reduce by ¾ maternal mortality rate and by 2/3 under five mortality rate Reverse the trend of HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases By 2020 Improve lives of 100 million slum dwellers Plus multiple other general goals.
Responsibility to Protect “R2P” In 1999 and 2000, the UN Secretary General called on nations to respond to international threats – stimulated by failures in Somalia, Bosnia, Rwanda and Kosovo “…if humanitarian intervention is, indeed, an unacceptable assault on sovereignty, how should we respond to Rwanda, Srebrenica – to gross and systemic violations of human rights that affect every precept of our common humanity?” UN Secretary General Kofi Annan
Responsibility to Protect “A new approach” Responsibility to Prevent Responsibility to React Responsibility to Rebuild Military Interventions
2005 Millennium Summit UN RES 60/1 Heads of State convened at UN HQ from Sep 2005 to mark the 60 th anniversary of the United Nations Reaffirmed commitment to Millennium Goals Confirmed UN Charter is sufficient to deal with threats to international peace and security (chapter VII) Endorsed the role of peacekeeping and peacebuilding Established the peacebuilding commission, fund and support office Endorsed R2P – each state must protect its population, the international community can help states, but that failing may act under Chapter VII of the Charter (para 138 and 139)
UN SYG BAN KI MOON General Assembly Report – Implementing R2P UN Secretary General Report leading to 2010 Millennium Summit Reaffirms the UN’s commitment to para 138 and 139 of Millennium Summit 2005 Clearly demonstrates a commitment to R2P Lays out the pillars of R2P
General Pillars of R2P 1. The Primacy of the STATE responsibility to protect civilians 2. International assistance and capacity-building to provide the STATE capability to protect civilians (peacebuilding) 3. Timely and decisive intervention should the STATE fail in its responsibility (pillar 1) Focused on Four crimes: genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing, and crimes against humanity
2010 Millennium Summit A/65/1 Committed to achieving Millennium Development Goals, but more needs to be done. Peace and security, development, and human rights are the pillars of the United States system. Goals redefined See Millennium Goals Website: 5. Improve maternal health 6. Combat HIV/AIDS & others 7. Environmental sustainability 8. Global Partnership for Development 1. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger 2. Achieve universal primary education 3. Promote gender equality 4. Reduce child mortality
UN SECURITY COUNCIL Resolution 1674 Reaffirms UNSCR resolutions 1265 and Recalls that deliberately targeting civilians and other protected persons as such in situations of armed conflict is a flagrant violation of international humanitarian law. Reaffirms provisions of paragraphs 138 and 139 of World Summit regarding the protection of populations from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity.
Protection of Civilians (POC) Security Council Statement, 22 Nov 2010 States (parties to the conflict) bear primary responsibility to respect human rights and protect civilians caught up in armed conflict Encourages senior leaders in UN peacekeeping missions to protect civilians and keep the UN Security Council informed – i.e. UN SYG Reports Asks Secretary General to submit a report on Protection Of Civilians NLT May 2012 Essentially a warning to States that they have a responsibility to protect civilians or the UNSC will act.
Involves a range of measures targeted to reduce the risk of lapsing or relapsing into conflict by strengthening national capacities at all levels and lay the foundation for sustainable peace and development UN Peacekeeping: Principles and Guidelines, 2008 reviewed 2010 “Peacebuilding is primarily a national challenge and responsibility.” UN Peacebuilding an Orientation, Sept 2010
Security Council Resolution 1645 General Assembly Resolution 60/ Dec 2005 UN Peacebuilding Commission Mission – marshal resources and advise on integrated strategies for post conflict recovery – reconstruction, institution building, sustainable development. To bring together all relevant actors to marshal resources and to advise on the proposed integrated strategies for post conflict peacebuilding and recover; To help ensure predictable financing for early recovery activities and sustained financial investment over the medium to long-term; To develop best practices on issues in collaboration with political, security, humanitarian and development actors.
United Nations Peacebuilding Fund (PBF) Funds available as of Dec 2011 = $418 million of which $300 million committed to projects Goal is to raise and spend $100 million from As of Dec projects approved (118 closed) reaching 22 countries Window I - Immediate Response Facility (IRF) Window II - Peacebuilding & Recovery Facility (PRF)
Information from: Fifth Consolidated Annual Progress Report on Activities Implemented under the Peacebuilding Fund 31 May 2012
Peacebuilding and Recovery Facility (PRF) Target Areas Thematic Area 1: Support the implementation of peace agreements and political dialogue Thematic Area 2: Promote coexistence and peaceful resolution of conflict Thematic Area 3: Revitalize the economy and generate immediate peace dividends Thematic Area 4: Establish or re-establish essential administrative services and related human and technical capacities6
1: Support the implementation of peace agreements and political dialogue 2: Promote coexistence and peaceful resolution of conflict 3: Revitalize the economy and generate immediate peace dividends 4: Establish or re-establish essential administrative services and related human and technical capacities6 Information from: Fifth Consolidated Annual Progress Report on Activities Implemented under the Peacebuilding Fund 31 May 2012
25 Peacebuilding In Liberia
Peacebuilding in Liberia Added to Peacebuilding Agenda in 2007 PBF Liberia Priority Plan was completed in 2008, revised in March 2009 and identified three priority areas: fostering national reconciliation and conflict management (Thematic Area 2), identifying critical interventions that promote peace and resolve (Thematic Areas 1, 2 and 3), strengthening state capacity for peace consolidation (Thematic Area 4). 30 projects approved (31 Dec 2011) – $26.7 million
LIBYA Key elements of UNSCR 1973 Acting under Chapter VII and Chapter VIII Immediate Cease Fire Protection of Civilians Establishes no fly zone Arms embargo Freezes assets Establishes panel of experts
CANADEM Established in 1996, CANADEM is a non-profit agency dedicated to advancing international peace and security through the rostering, rapid mobilization, and mission management of experts committed to international service. Maintains roster of over 15,000 experienced Canadian and international experts. Supports UN missions and Canadian efforts in peacebuilding.
Australian Civilian Corps The Australian Civilian Corps is a deployable civilian capability that provides rapid help to developing countries affected by natural disaster or conflict. It is a group of civilian specialists experienced in disaster recovery, stabilisation and post-conflict recovery, who are able to be deployed quickly. Whole of government approach – managed by AUSAID. The ACC has over 200 members on its register and this is expected to reach 500 by 2014.
European Peacebuilding Liaison Office The European Peacebuilding Liaison Office (EPLO) is the platform of European NGOs, networks of NGOs and think tanks active in the field of peacebuilding, Share an interest in promoting sustainable peacebuilding policies among decision-makers in the European Union Mission -EPLO’s mission is to influence European decision-makers to take a more active and effective approach in securing peace and non-violent forms of conflict resolution in all regions of the world
U.S. Department of State Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations U.S. Civilian Response Corps Created by Presidential policy in 2005 Interagency teams to support their tasking: Active Response Corps (ARC) – 250 people Standby Response Corps (SRC)- 300 people Civilian Reserve Corps (CRC) – (not established) Ten teams already deployed around the world (Liberia, Sudan, Chad, Kosovo, Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Nepal, Cuba, and Haiti)
Paul Collier’s Approach to Nation Building
R2P and Peacebuilding Summary Changing the focus on security to human security will change how the UN sees conflicts in the future R2P is gaining in acceptance – question, how will the international community respond to various crises? Peacebuilding is gaining momentum Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding are the public faces of the United Nations and are closely linked.