NGO Management
Trainer Training Assistants Participants 2 Concepts of Development by Saif Ullah Khan, IMS - University of Peshawar
No proper definition but generally means Human Development. ‘Development of greater quality of life for human beings.’ 3Concepts of Development by Saif Ullah Khan, IMS - University of Peshawar
Foreign aid, Governance, Healthcare, Education, Gender equality, Disaster preparedness, Infrastructure, Economics, Human rights, Environment. 4Concepts of Development by Saif Ullah Khan, IMS - University of Peshawar
Related to International Aid But Different from Disaster Relief and Humanitarian Aid. Why? Concepts of Development by Saif Ullah Khan, IMS - University of Peshawar5
International Trade and International Relations have been around for centuries. But international development started in Post WW-II. Events that led to the inception of the concept were: Need for Reconstruction after WW-II, [Marshal Plan] Evolution of Colonization to Globalization, Cold War. Concepts of Development by Saif Ullah Khan, IMS - University of Peshawar6
1960’s – The Era of Dependency Theory, 1970’s and 1980’s Neo-Liberal Ideas through structural adjustment programs. Counter Movement of Human Development [Mahboub ul Haq and Amartya Sen] 1990’s Post Development Era, Millennium Development Goals [MDGs] Human Development Index Private Public Partnership Corporate Social Responsibility Concepts of Development by Saif Ullah Khan, IMS - University of Peshawar7
Lets Play a Game Concepts of Development by Saif Ullah Khan, IMS - University of Peshawar8
Modernization Theory Dependency Theory World Systems Theory Concepts of Development by Saif Ullah Khan, IMS - University of Peshawar9
A theory used to explain the process of Modernization within societies. The theory looks at the internal factors of a country while assuming that, with assistance, "traditional" countries can be brought to development in the same manner more developed countries have. The less develop should follow the developed. Changes in Social Structure, [Child Labor, Gender Equality] Function of State, [Transparency International] Technology [ICT] Concepts of Development by Saif Ullah Khan, IMS - University of Peshawar10
Can you cite any NGO or Program working in this direction? What is wrong with this theory? Concepts of Development by Saif Ullah Khan, IMS - University of Peshawar11
Resources flow from a "periphery" of poor and underdeveloped states to a "core" of wealthy states, enriching the latter at the expense of the former. Poor nations provide natural resources, cheap labor, a destination for obsolete technology, and markets to the wealthy nations, without which the latter could not have the standard of living they enjoy. Wealthy nations actively perpetuate a state of dependence by various means. This influence may be multifaceted, involving economics, media control, politics, banking and finance, education, culture, sport, and all aspects of human resource development. Wealthy nations actively counter attempts by dependent nations to resist their influences by means of economic sanctions and/or the use of military force. Concepts of Development by Saif Ullah Khan, IMS - University of Peshawar12
Do you agree to this theory??? Concepts of Development by Saif Ullah Khan, IMS - University of Peshawar13
Core: the rich, developed countries of the world Periphery: poor, dependent nations Semi-periphery: semi-industrialized countries Dependency: The vulnerable state of depending on core countries for trade/investment Trade concentration: The situation in which trade is conducted with a small number of countries Investment concentration: When investment comes from a small number of countries. High levels of concentration mean a country is beholden to others Concepts of Development by Saif Ullah Khan, IMS - University of Peshawar14
Poverty Inequality Dignity Participation Appropriateness Sustainability Capacity Building Concepts of Development by Saif Ullah Khan, IMS - University of Peshawar15
Case Study and Tea Break Concepts of Development by Saif Ullah Khan, IMS - University of Peshawar16
Governance ConceptApplied Concept ExpectationsObjective PowerAuthority Verification of PerformanceAccountability Concepts of Development by Saif Ullah Khan, IMS - University of Peshawar17
World Bank The exercise of political authority and the use of institutional resources to manage society's problems and affairs. Worldwide Governance Indicators The traditions and institutions by which authority in a country is exercised. Steph’s Definition The use of institutions, structures of authority and even collaboration to allocate resources and coordinate or control activity in society or the economy. Concepts of Development by Saif Ullah Khan, IMS - University of Peshawar18
Politics: processes by which a group of people with initially divergent opinions or interests reach collective decisions generally regarded as binding on the group, and enforced as common policy. Governance: the administrative and process- oriented elements of governing rather than its antagonistic ones. Concepts of Development by Saif Ullah Khan, IMS - University of Peshawar19
How it happens in University of Peshawar? How it happens in your organization? How it happens in Pakistan? Concepts of Development by Saif Ullah Khan, IMS - University of Peshawar20
Networks: Private Public Partnership, CBO Markets: Market Mechanisms Hierarchy: Government to bureaucracy. **Fair Governance Concepts of Development by Saif Ullah Khan, IMS - University of Peshawar21
Why Democracy is preferred over dictatorship? Concepts of Development by Saif Ullah Khan, IMS - University of Peshawar22
Global Governance Corporate Governance Project Governance IT governance Non Profit Governance Concepts of Development by Saif Ullah Khan, IMS - University of Peshawar23
Concepts of Development by Saif Ullah Khan, IMS - University of Peshawar24
Why should I tell you everything? Read the paper ‘ GOVERNANCE, DEVELOPMENT AND AID EFFECTIVENESS’ and prepare a presentation Concepts of Development by Saif Ullah Khan, IMS - University of Peshawar25
Goal 1: Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger Goal 2: Achieve universal primary education Goal 3: Promote gender equality and empower women Goal 4: Reduce child mortality Goal 5: Improve maternal health Goal 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases Goal 7: Ensure environmental sustainability Goal 8: Develop a global partnership for development Concepts of Development by Saif Ullah Khan, IMS - University of Peshawar26
Inter-governmental organisations Employers or corporations Consumers and the public Formal trade unions Non-governmental organisations Individuals, families and communities Donors Civil Society Any others ??? Concepts of Development by Saif Ullah Khan, IMS - University of Peshawar27
political parties, Nongovernmental organizations, Trade unions, Professional associations, Philanthropies, Academia, Independent and quasi-independent pressure groups, Think tanks, and traditional, informal formations such as faith-based organizations, shrines, seminaries, neighborhood associations, burial societies, jirgas and savings groups. Concepts of Development by Saif Ullah Khan, IMS - University of Peshawar28
NGOs (Non-Governmental Organization): Private, non-profit citizen organizations, pressure groups and support centers. Also referred to as the citizen sector. Community Based Organizations (CBOs): Membership-based, grassroots organizations - a subset of NGOs. Trade Unions: Organized associations of the workers in an industry or profession working for the protection and furtherance of their rights and interests. CSOs (Civil Society Organizations): CSO is used as an umbrella term to refer to NGOs, CBOs, think tanks, trade unions, cultural groups and informal citizen organizations Concepts of Development by Saif Ullah Khan, IMS - University of Peshawar29
According to Aga khan Development network There are 10,000 to 12,000 Registered NGO in Pakistan. If unregistered are considered then the number reaches 60,000. 59% in Punjab, then in Sindh, then in K-P, Then Baluchistan. Registered under five different laws. The Societies Act (1860), Companies Ordinance (1984), the Trust Act (1882), the Charitable Endowments Act (1890), the Co-operative Act (1925) and the Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies (Registration and Control) Ordinance (1961). Concepts of Development by Saif Ullah Khan, IMS - University of Peshawar30
Education (including basic, Primary, adult and informal) represents 56 percent of the total, Health and women’s development accounting for 39 percent. Other areas of focus include early childhood development (15.2 percent), sports promotion and recreation (12.3 percent) and community development (12 percent). Intermediary NGOs and support organizations are also most actively engaged in education (69 percent); and women’s issues (56 percent). Concepts of Development by Saif Ullah Khan, IMS - University of Peshawar31
International Donations CIDA, SDC, USAID, DFID, UN, Embassies of Australia, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, the Netherland International NGOs Oxfam, Save the Children, Asia Foundation, British Council, Christen Social Services, Action Aid etc. Internal Fund Generation In 1998 Pakistanis gave an estimated Rs.41 billion in cash and kind, and another estimated Rs.29 million in time. As much as 65 percent of all monetary giving went to individuals, two-thirds of which was ‘zakat’ Concepts of Development by Saif Ullah Khan, IMS - University of Peshawar32
one-third had fewer than 50 individual members, 17 percent had members, 20 percent had members, 5 percent of the total had more than 450 members. Concepts of Development by Saif Ullah Khan, IMS - University of Peshawar33
Pakistan NGO Forum [PNF] Advocacy Development Network, Co-ordination Council for Child Welfare, Women in Development (WID) networks, Rural Support Network (RSPN), Pakistan Reproductive Health Network (PRHN), Pakistan Education Network (PEN), Pakistan Microfinance Network Environmental NGOs Network. Concepts of Development by Saif Ullah Khan, IMS - University of Peshawar34
Concepts of Development by Saif Ullah Khan, IMS - University of Peshawar35