1 Millennium Development goals (MDGs) These were aspirations set by the UN in 2000 to help improve the lot of the world’s poor
2 There widespread calls to cancel debt in the poor countries Debt Campaign has its roots in Jubilee 2000 and earlier campaigns for the cancellation of poor country debt. Why? Poor countries were using much of their income to pay interest on the huge debts they had accumulated over the years. This meant they could not afford to improve health care, clean water availability or education. This left their people very poor
3 Extreme poverty: what is it?
4 over 1 billion The number of people living on less than 50p per day:
5 That’s more than the populations of the EU, USA, Canada, Australia and Japan combined.
6 28,000 The number of children dying from preventable diseases EVERY DAY:
7 That’s like the 2004 tsunami happening every week.
8 2.6 billion The number of people without basic sanitation:
9 Imagine living without running water, or a flushing toilet. A third of the world’s population does.
10 72 million The number of children receiving no basic education:
11 What sort of job are you likely to get if you can’t even write your own name?
12 And debt makes everything worse...
14 The developing world owes $2 trillion in foreign debts. ($2,000,000,000,000)
15 Debt repayments drain the poorest countries of resources.
16 Basic services receive less funding...
17 …and people stay trapped by poverty.
18 It was because of these ideas and the pressure put on by Jubilee among other groups that UNESCO got together the Millennium Goals. It was the Millennium and the world ought to make an effort to do something special If they were to release the poor countries from debt, then the rich countries would only agree if the released money was spent on things that improve the lot of the ordinary people – they did not want more wasted by dictators and armies! So it was decided that the whole world together, in terms of poor countries themselves and the richer ones with their AID programs, would put all their efforts into achieving certain things by 2015.
19 By Aydin
20 8 promises made by over 191 countries Deadline 2015 South America Africa Europe Asia North America Australia
21 Homework Just imagine the Gates Foundation put up $100 million to the person/group who could put the best case forward for a project that would make the most difference to the most people by meeting one or more of the MDGs You are the secretary of such an organisation who works in the field of improving the level of development in the LICs. Pick one Millennium development goal. What would you spend the money on? Show how this would improve the lives of a group of people. Set out to prove your idea is the best one to be given the award. You may like to do this in pairs – but no more than 2! I will put all the proposals up on the wiki and there will be a voting scheme (it downloads itself into a google document, so that I can chart the results for you) Closing day for your submissions will be Monday next - NO EXTENSIONS ONE page in WORD only – no more than 2 pictures/graphs The poll will be opened on Tuesday morning. Voting will close on Tuesday at 5pevening – I will you the link when it is set up.
22 GOAL # 1 Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger Halve the proportion of people whose income is less than one dollar a day. Halve the proportion of people who suffer from hunger. Deadline 2015
23 Almost 1 billion people in the world (21%) are still living on less than $ 1 per day. Half of the world’s total population, or 3 billion people, survive on less than $ 2 per day. Did you know that? Are we keeping our promise? Those living in extreme poverty in the developing regions accounted for slightly more than a quarter of the developing world’s population in 2005, compared to almost half in It seems likely that the first MDG target will be met in global terms. However, startling disparities between regions remain, with sub-Saharan Africa in particular a long way adrift from the target. While considerable progress has been made on reducing hunger in some regions, it is unlikely that this part of the MDG will be achieved in global terms.
24 Achieve universal primary education Ensure that boys and girls everywhere will be able to complete a full course of primary schooling. Deadline 2015 GOAL # 2
million children are denied their right to an education. In the Asia-Pacific region, 122 million children under the age of 14 leave school to become child labourers. In Sub-Saharan Africa, 49 million children work. Did you know that? There are 43 million children in the world who are out of school due to conflict. Over 10 million children have been psychologically traumatized by armed conflict.
26 93 Million Children without Access to School Number of primary-school-age children in school, by region
27 Promote gender equality and empower women Eliminate gender disparity in primary and secondary education, preferably by 2005, and in all levels of education no later than Deadline 2015 GOAL # 3
28 Did you know that over 61 million girls are missing an education, compared to 54 million boys. That’s as many girls as ALL the school-age girls in North America and Europe. Did you know that? Giving girls an education can mean the difference between life and death. She doesn’t have to work at hard and dangerous labour. She doesn’t have to work on the streets. She can make informed choices. Her babies have less chance of suffering from malnutrition.
29 Reduce by two-thirds the under- five mortality rate. Estimated number of under-five deaths, by region (2006) GOAL # 4 Reduce Child Mortality
30 Every day, on average more than 26,000 children under the age of five die around the world, mostly from preventable causes. Did you know that? Are NATIONS keeping their promise? Deaths of children under five declined steadily worldwide — to around 9 million in 2007, down from 12.6 million in 1990, despite population growth. Although child mortality rates remain highest in sub-Saharan Africa, recent survey data show remarkable improvements in key interventions that could yield major breakthroughs for children in that region in the years ahead. Among these interventions are the distribution of insecticide-treated bed nets to reduce the toll of malaria — a major killer of children. As a result of ‘second chance’ immunizations, dramatic progress is also being made in the fight against measles.
31 Improve maternal health Reduce by three quarters the maternal mortality ratio. Deadline 2015 Maternal deaths estimated at 536,000 GOAL # 5
32 Women in high-fertility countries in Sub-Saharan Africa have a 1-in-16 lifetime risk of dying from maternal causes. Women in low-fertility countries in Europe have a 1-in-2,000 risk of dying from maternal causes. Women in North America have a 1-in- 3,500 risk of dying. Did you know that? How are they doing? Although there is a lack of up-to-date figures, this appears to be the most severely off-track of all MDGs. The risk of dying in childbirth or from complications of pregnancy is marked by obscene global inequality, with the lifetime risk of death from such causes over 200 times greater for sub-Saharan African women than for their European counterparts. An acute shortage of healthcare staff and poor availability of contraception are just two of the factors that impede progress
33 Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases Have halted by 2015 and begun to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS. Globally, 4.3 million people were newly infected with HIV in Deadline 2015 GOAL # 6
34 Have halted by 2015 and begun to reverse the incidence of malaria and other major diseases. Malaria-control efforts are paying off, but additional effort is needed. Did you know that? The global level of HIV infection has continued to rise in recent years, and the annual death rate has also increased significantly since Access to antiretroviral treatment remains very patchy, with barely a quarter of those who would benefit receiving it worldwide, though some developing regions (such as Latin America) are managing much better than others (such as Southern Asia). Worldwide action on malaria, too, falls far short of what is needed, in terms both of funding and of measures such as the use of bed nets to protect children from infection. The prospects for achievement of this MDG remain poor, with devastating social and economic implications for the countries most affected. How are they doing?
35 Ensure environmental sustainability Halve, by 2015, the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water and sanitation. To improve the lives of at least 100 million slum dwellers by GOAL # 7
36 In 1990, there were nearly 715 million slum dwellers in the world. In 2000, the slum population increased to 912 million. Today, the slum population is approximately 998 million. By 2020, it will reach 1.4 billion. Did you know that? Are we keeping our promise? Access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation will not be met in Sub-Saharan Africa. It is estimated that 133 million people living in cities of the developing world lack durable housing.
37 Develop a global partnership for development Address the special needs of the least developed countries. GOAL # 8
38 Aid is one way for rich countries to transfer resources to developing countries which helps reduce poverty by increasing opportunity for local development. Donors pledge to double their aid to Africa, but there is little to show so far. Did you know that?