VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION July 15, July 18, What is VA-Once? VA-ONCE is an enhanced means for submitting VA Forms , b, and c. It is a completely Internet based application developed by a team of schools and VA representatives. How do I gain access VA-Once? All schools will need to complete a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to gain access to the VA-ONCE application. Click HERE for a copy of the MOU. You should complete the form on-line, PRINT it, obtain the appropriate signature(s), and mail it to your Education Liaison Representative (ELR).Click HERE for a copy of the MOU. Note: The MOU must be signed by a school official who has the authority to enter into a contract between the institution and VA. Initial Setup Check your screen resolution - Right click on your desktop, properties, settings. Recommended 800X600 Log-in with the user ID & Password provided: website: Basic VAONCE Information
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION July 15, July 18, VA-ONCE is designed to work on any computer that has the proper web browser (Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher or Netscape 6.02 or higher). Any operating system will work. -Resources: VAONCE FLIPBOOK Feb VA Education Liaison Representative -VAONCE page help Q & A NOTE: Your Browser must be Internet Explorer (IE) or Netscape in order to access VAONCE. Mozilla Foxfire browser users can access VAONCE, but there are known issues with this browser as VA does not test with Mozilla Foxfire. See your IT department for available browsers at your school.. VAONCE Resources
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION July 15, July 18, The purpose of VAONCE replaces paper documents - Allows for SCO to utilize a system to track, submit, and monitor VA student enrollments - Documents are prepared and submitted to VA RPO through the internet and uploaded at VA RPO as image scan documents into TIMS (The Image Management System) to VA student image folder. - Image document can be processed by LTS (Long Term Solution) computer program for awarding education benefits - VAONCE Purpose
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION July 15, July 18, The ELR of State jurisdiction is VAONCE Administrator and will upon a VAONCE MOU or updated VA Form , Designation of VA Certifying official will: Update WEAMS approval data base for correct SCO information Modify VAONCE for new SCO access log in and password access information to each designated SCO Provide resource links for VAONCE training Each time there is a change in certifying officials it is important to notify your ELR to timely delete SCO’s in WEAMS and VAONCE DO NOT give our your log in or password to other employees or VA work study veteran students. VAONCE
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION July 15, July 18, Your ELR will have entered school information in VAONCE on the School Page to include approved types of training (IHL undergrad, IHL grad, Non degree etc Also full information on school address, phone number, fax number, s of all designated SCO’s ELR is also responsible for entering in the default levels such as: -Default to your State abbreviation -Default for the primary level of training (IHL undergrad as example) Ask your ELR to provide you with a copy of your VA WEAMS approval document as it contains numerous names of approved programs and also course codes which will save you time determining these codes when adding this information on the name of program screen. VAONCE
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION July 15, July 18, How to use VAONCE: -Add new students – BIO Page -Correct SS#, Correct VA file number, Correct benefit Chapter, Type training, and Name of program -Create and submit new enrollments -Single term or multiple terms -VAONCE Filtering systems – managing -Printing VAONCE enrollments -AMEND, ADJUST, TERMINATE VAONCE
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION July 15, July 18, SCO responsible for entering the following in VAONCE: -Standard term dates -Standard Programs -Standard School remarks -User Defined Fields -Selecting check box -Adding new students -Certifying students -Preparing and submitting changes VAONCE
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION July 15, July 18, Changing your Password – Each certifying official will be assigned a separate password. 1. Click on the Admin Button, on left side of screen 2. Click User (drop down) 3. Click User preferences 4. Click Change 5. Complete new password information 6. Click Change Password VAONCE Password
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION July 15, July 18, Access from under school resources for: National SCO Handbook VAONCE FLIPBOOK 2012 ELR Technical Assistance & VAONCE Instruction Nonstandard term calculator for equivalent credits and training time SCO on line training module sessions Access GI Bill web site Open SCO on line training Register – and facility code Complete the training modules 1 module is optional on VA benefit chapters SCO module provides training on certifications and monitoring Training Resources
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION July 15, July 18, VA RPO Locations & Jurisdictions
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION July 15, July 18, Long Term Solution VA computer program exported October 2012 at VA Regional Processing Offices to automate enrollment processing to reduce processing time Expectation is for 50% automated enrollment processing provided: VAONCE enrollment clears edits Tuition/fee payments released no earlier than 14 days prior to each term start date KEEP SCHOOL REMARKS TO MINIMUM St Louis VA Regional Processing Office
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION July 15, July 18, Importance of Certifying Officials
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION July 15, July 18, New SCO Training Objectives
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION July 15, July 18, Training Resources
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION July 15, July 18, VA Form – Enrollment Certification document contains 8 certification requirements that are beyond the individual student certification: Refer to the Handout today on the instructional page of VA Form , Enrollment Certification for the 8 certifications. NOTE: These items are important as they are not in VAONCE when certifying students to VA – majority of institutions utilize VAONCE versus paper documents. VA preference is VAONCE. What is SCO Certifying on Enrollments
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION July 15, July 18, The 85/15% enrollment ratio requirement has been satisfied -Student certified is not an owner or officer of the school nor is the student certified as an official authorized to sign enrollment certifications -The institution holds no power of attorney agreement authorizing the institution to negotiate VA educational assistance allowance checks -No course certified is a repetition of any course previously satisfactorily completed except as permitted by VA regulations -The course or courses certified are approved by the State Approving Agency and are generally acceptable to meet requirements for the student’s objective What is SCO Certifying on Enrollments
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION July 15, July 18, The institution has exercised diligence in meeting all applicable requirements of Title 38 USC and any failure by the institution to meet any requirements of the law will be reported promptly to VA -The institution agrees to report promptly to VA any enrollment change and any change due to unsatisfactory progress, conduct or attendance. Promptly means within 30 days of the enrollment change. Except for students receiving benefits under Chapter 33, the institution need not report an enrollment change for a student who was in full-time attendance before the change and in fulltime after the enrollment change. What is SCO Certifying on Enrollments
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION July 15, July 18, Understand VA reporting requirements - Communicate with VA students concerning awareness of benefit chapters, application process, and institutional and VA requirements in order to be certified - Certify VA student enrollment accurately and timely - Develop internal monitoring systems - Monitor and report changes to VA within 30 days - Communicate as needed with VA and SAA - Report concerns to institutional management Role of the VA Certifying Official
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION July 15, July 18, Monitor unit subjects pursued to certify to VA only those subjects which apply to the student’s program. Monitor student’s grades to insure (s)he is making satisfactory progress and report unsatisfactory progress. Must monitor student’s conduct and report when student is suspended/dismissed for unsatisfactory conduct. Monitor monthly to ensure timely reporting of reductions, terminations or increases in training. Inform VA of Student Enrollment Status
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION July 15, July 18, Generally our Education Liaison Representatives experience an SCO turnover rate of approximately 30% each year based on revised designation of certifying official forms submitted. - Each change requires updating in our data bases (WEAMS) – approval data, and VAONCE – authorizing new SCO’s access to web based enrollment submissions - Continuing need for training – SCO on line training modules found on the GI Bill web site, SCO National Handbook, and VAONCE FLIPBOOK are essential for training and effectively certifying and monitoring students Retention of an SCO
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION July 15, July 18, Montgomery GI Bill (MGIB) Chapter 30 – Veterans VRAP – awarded benefits under Chapter 30 Montgomery GI Bill-Selective Reserves Chapter 1606 for Members of Reserves or National Guard (REAP) Chapter 1607 – mobilized under DOD Title 10 (called to active duty) Chapter 32 – VEAP (veteran benefit that began Jan 1, 1977) Dependents Educational Assistance Program Chapter 35 (spouse, children, surviving spouse (Public Law – affecting Ch 1606/1607) enacted January 28, 2008 Post-9/11 GI Bill (Chapter 33) Fry Amendment VA Education Benefit Chapters
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION July 15, July 18, – Manuals and Regulations VA manuals on approvals and compliance Title 38 Code of Federal Regulations --- You can finally get your chance to challenge the ELR and ECSS on approvals and compliance…. Good Luck Everything - Compensation and Pension, Voc-Rehab, and VA Education Other Links to Claims Processing procedures, etc, etc.
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION July 15, July 18, PRE LOGIN MARGIN TAB How do I sign up for VA-ONCE ? What is my login name ? How long does the password have to be ? What If I do not remember my password ? Why doesn’t the password I was sent work ? What web browser should I use ? When was the latest update ? What change were made in the last version update ? Keyboard Shortcuts
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION July 15, July 18, PRE LOGIN PAGE Password Help News Flash of reminders and new changes.
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION July 15, July 18, THE VA-ONCE HOME PAGE Task Tab Select, admin, reports, logout view Margin Tab Describes the VA-ONCE section you are currently working in. Help Tab Detailed help topics in the VA-ONCE section you are currently working in
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION July 15, July 18, THE VA-ONCE HOME PAGE TASK TAB Student Page Administrative Page user preferences, terms, programs, etc Reports Page certification summary detail report Logs you Off of VA-ONCE
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION July 15, July 18, DID YOU KNOW…… Checking multiple boxes allows you to delete or deactivate your selected students (good way to clean up your list)
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION July 15, July 18, DID YOU KNOW…… You can sort your student list by clicking on one of the column headings
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION July 15, July 18, DID YOU KNOW…… You can retrieve student payment information from the VA Data Tab Ch 33 payment information is not available.
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION July 15, July 18, DID YOU KNOW…… You can add your own personal notes about your students from the Log Tab Ch 33 payment information is not available.
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION July 15, July 18, DID YOU KNOW…… You can see the certification history and actions from the History Tab
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION July 15, July 18, DID YOU KNOW…… If you click on the number in the corner of a student’s page, you can find out status is of your certification
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION July 15, July 18, DID YOU KNOW…… You can print both a single copy of a certification or a history of cert information on the student as well a variety of other information.
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION July 15, July 18, DID YOU KNOW…… By clicking on the Confirmation box in. By accessing the School Detail / Access drop down, You can click on the Confirmation box Your students will receive an of your certification.
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION July 15, July 18, The Image Managemen t System VCE U. S. Treasury Austin, TX RPO Request Info ELR SCO Student Authorizer + Write Award
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION July 15, July 18, No earlier than 120 days before term begins – unless training time is less than one half time Student on active military duty Certified for accelerated payment SCO Handbook pages When to Certify Enrollments
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION July 15, July 18, PRE LOGIN MARGIN TAB How do I sign up for VA-ONCE ? What is my login name ? How long does the password have to be ? What If I do not remember my password ? Why doesn’t the password I was sent work ? What web browser should I use ? When was the latest update ? What change were made in the last version update ? Keyboard Shortcuts
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION July 15, July 18, PRE LOGIN PAGE Password Help News Flash of reminders and new changes.
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION July 15, July 18, DID YOU KNOW…… Checking multiple boxes allows you to delete or deactivate your selected students (good way to clean up your list)
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION July 15, July 18, DID YOU KNOW…… You can sort your student list by clicking on one of the column headings
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION July 15, July 18, DID YOU KNOW…… By clicking on the Confirmation box in. By accessing the School Detail / Access drop down, You can click on the Confirmation box Your students will receive an of your certification.
VETERANS BENEFITS ADMINISTRATION July 15, July 18, DID YOU KNOW…… You can print both a single copy of a certification or a history of cert information on the student as well a variety of other information.