ICP Forests Common and Specific Workplan Items Outline according to CWIs Ex-post application Acidification/eutrophication under under different deposition scenarios (Specific Workplan Item c) Robustness Links to biodiversity Sulphur and nitrogen deposition, soil acidification, eutrophication and vegetation effects (Specific Workplan Item b) Quantified trends Comparing trends in sulphur and nitrogen deposition with EMEP results (Specific Workplan Item a) Key parameters
ICP Forests Common and Specific Workplan Items Ex-post application Development of acidification and eutrophication of forest soils under different deposition scenarios (Specific Workplan Item c) ICP M&M recommended (26th TFM in Paris) Application of VSD+ and BERN Models Cooperation between ICP M&M and other ICPs ICP Forests cooperates with German NFC of ICP M&M (ÖKO-DATA) ÖKO-DATA will for ICP Forests Level II plots calculate Critical loads for acidity and nitrogen (SMB-Model) Critical loads exceedances Dynamics of C and N (VSD+ Model) Possibility degree Species (BERN) Plant communities (BERN) Scenarios Deposition Climate
ICP Forests Common and Specific Workplan Items Ex-post application For one Level II plot and several years ( ) S and N deposition EMEP ( ) ICP Forests ( ) CCE ( ) CL-function for eutrophication Forest not protected Thereafter protected
ICP Forests Common and Specific Workplan Items Ex-post application Depending on BS and C/N Different forest communities Starts as ash- beech forest Remains beech forest Available for Species level Extinction of species
ICP Forests Common and Specific Workplan Items Robustness Regularly conducted Laboratory intercomparison exercises (ringtests) Soil analyses Soil solution analyses Precipitation (deposition) analyses Needle-leaf chemistry International intercalibration courses (ICCs) Crown condition Defoliation Biotic and abiotic damage types Deviations between labs decrease over time
ICP Forests Common and Specific Workplan Items Robustness Results of water ringtests Soil solution Precipitation Decrease Percentage of non- tolerable results for each element Variation between elements
ICP Forests Common and Specific Workplan Items Links with biodiversity Canocial Correspondence Analysis Explanation of variance in ground vegetation species by e. g. pH BS CEC N deposition S deposition BC deposition on 477 Level II plots with Ground vegetation Soil condition Deposition Modelled (EMEP) Measured by ICP Forests (181 plots)
ICP Forests Common and Specific Workplan Items Biodiversity On 181 plots Factors explained 19.23% of variance Most important Tree species Soil Deposition Climate N deposition and BC deposition 15.0% of the explained variance Small, but statistically significant impact
ICP Forests Common and Specific Workplan Items Quantified trends Temporal trends SO 4 NH 4 and NO 3 Decrease minor N bulk N throughfall Spatial trends compared measured (ICP Forests) modelled (EMEP)
ICP Forests Common and Specific Workplan Items Quantified trends Superimposed Wet deposition (EMEP, 50x50 km) Bulk deposition (ICP Forests)
ICP Forests Common and Specific Workplan Items Quantified trends For SO4: Visual coincidence Blue ICP Forests plots in blue EMEP cells Yellow ICP Forests plots in yellow EMEP cells But r 2 small ( )
ICP Forests Common and Specific Workplan Items Key parameters Acidification BS on 5500 Level I/II plots ANC on 250 Level II plots pH soil solution on 200 plots pH solid soil on 4000 plots
ICP Forests Common and Specific Workplan Items Key parameters Eutrophication N pools on 515 Level II plots NO3 leaching on 121 Level II plots
ICP Forests Common and Specific Workplan Items Results Described in greater detail in 3 Technical Reports 1 Executive Report (glossy) Laid out in the Salle