EXPORT TO NEPAL Soil Moisture Meter
GEOGRAPHY Temperate zone Mt. Everest Land Area: 147, 181 sq ft. The Himalayas Diverse land types Bordered by India and China Split into 5 different regions
PEOPLE Population: million Prime Minister – Mr. Jhala Nath Khanal Ethnic diversity (92 different languages) Northern Himalayan People Middle Hills and Valley People Kathmandu Valley – diverse Terai People
SOIL MOISTURE METERS How they work: Push the pointed end into the ground Wait 3-5 minutes Read the dial on the top Also give pH reading Different crops grow better at different pH and moisture levels
BENEFIT TO NEPAL Determine how soon after a flood they can plant their crops. Determine whether the pH level in the soil is suitable for the crop they want to grow. In Nepal, farmers grow crops all year round.
RITTENHOUSE Canadian small business Located in St. Catharines Sell soil moisture meters 22 Canadian employees
BENEFIT TO CANADA By exporting soil moisture meters, Canadian jobs are guaranteed. Shipping from Rittenhouse 22 Canadian jobs are protected Easy to ship – not too costly
ANDREA RINTJEMA University of Guelph in Partnership with IDRC CIFSRF and DFAIT Faculty Sponsor: Prof. Manish Raizada For further information: A detailed written evaluation of this export idea is posted at this website:
REFERENCES References BBC. (2014). Nepal profile. Retrieved 11/05, 2014, from Nepal Tourism Board. (2012). Geography | welcome nepal. Retrieved 11/05, 2014, from Nepal Tourism Board. (2012). People | welcome nepal. Retrieved 11/05, 2014, from mosiac/ mosiac/ NepalTouristm.info. (2006). Government of nepal. Retrieved 11/05, 2014, from