Standard Mail ( Have this slide showing as people arrive.) 1
STANDARD MAIL PROCESSING CATEGORIES The size of your mailpiece determines the rates available to you. Letters Flats Machinable Parcels Irregular Parcels 9 2
STANDARD MAIL Standard Mail weighs less than one pound and includes circulars, printed matter, pamphlets, catalogs, newsletters, direct mail and merchandise. Standard Mail is not closed against postal inspection. It may not include: Mail of a personal nature Bills or invoices Statements of account Handwritten or typewritten matter Keys or identification devices 1 3
Application Fee $ 180.00 (Permit Imprint) Annual Bulk Fee $ 180.00 STANDARD MAIL BASIC REQUIREMENTS Application Fee $ 180.00 (Permit Imprint) Annual Bulk Fee $ 180.00 Minimum 200 pieces (or 50 lbs) per mailing Submit at least one mailing every two years Mail pieces must weight less than one pound Correct ZIP Code on mail pieces Properly sorted into packages, trays, sacks or pallets Deposited at designated entry point Required Postage Statement 2 4
Standard Mail Permit Imprint PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID COLUMBIA MD PERMIT NO. 3 $180.00 additional one-time nonrefundable fee ( PS 3615) $180.00 annual Bulk Fee Imprint made by printing, hand stamping, or computer All pieces within a permit imprint mailing must be identical in weight Open advance deposit (trust account) by depositing money at post office to cover cost of mailing prior to or at the time of mailing 4 6
COMPANY PERMIT IMPRINT OPTION PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID JOHN DOE COMPANY NONPROFIT U.S. POSTAGE PAID AMER RED CROSS The name of the company in the indicia must possess the permit. The permit holder must retain records of mailing for one year. Mail piece must bear a domestic return address. 5 7
STANDARD MAIL No Application fee Annual Bulk Fee required Pre-canceled Stamps PRSRT STD No Application fee Annual Bulk Fee required Assigned value of $0.05 (non-profit) $ 0.10 (commercial) Pay additional postage at time of mailing Return address required 6 8
STANDARD MAIL No Application fee Meter license Postage Meter 189 PRSRT STD No Application fee Meter license Lease meter from manufacturer “Presorted Standard” or “PRSRT STD” slug; or “Non Profit org.” for non-profit mailers (order from meter manufacturer) Affix postage at the correct or lowest rate 7 9
Unlike First-Class Mail, Standard Mail doesn’t use weight to determine postage for pieces that weigh less than 3.3 ounces. All pieces of Standard Mail weighing less than 3.3 ounces can be mailed at the same per piece postage rate. Pieces weighing more than 3.3 ounces are charged a per-piece rate plus a per-pound rate. 2 10
BOOKLETS AND FOLDED SELF- MAILERS MUST BE TABBED MACHINABILITY STANDARDS BOOKLETS AND FOLDED SELF- MAILERS MUST BE TABBED Multiple Sheets Two Tabs Fold Spine on bottom Paper weight 20 lb POSTAL BUSINESS CENTER 2035 HURLEY WAY STE 200 SACRAMENTO CA 95825-3209 There are many tabbing options available, depending on thickness and folding method. Refer to the Publication 25-Designing Letter Mail for illustrated examples. Letter-size pieces with an open edge (folded self-mailers, booklets, double postcards, etc.) must be tabbed to avoid jamming during high speed transport on automated sorting equipment. Do not use staples. Tabs, wafer seals, tape or glue may be used to seal the mail. 15
Flat Size height Standard Mail 12” Length: 11-1/2 to 15 inches Height: 6-1/8 to 12 inches Thickness: .25 to .75 inch Weight: less than 16 ounces Flats mailed at automation rates have slightly different size restrictions. height Length 15” 13 17
Final Fold or Bound Edge Forward No tabbing requirements pc mag JOURNAL NEWS DAILY Each piece should be designed so the address is visable when the bound edge is held in your right hand. The bound edge is the leading edge as it enters the FSM for processing. It does not matter if the address appears on the front or back cover of the mailpiece. There are no tabbing requirements for Flat-sized mail. 5 22
PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS Polywrap, Polybag, Shrinkwrap Some films are acceptable JOEL SCHROEDER US POSTAL SERVICE 500 W CHESTNUT EXPY RM 140 SPRINGFIELD MO 65801-9996 FSM 881 New procedures for Polywrap have been introduced. Once approved, the mailer must submit a copy of the polywrap certification at the time of the mailing. Requirements differ based on the design of the mail. To be sure, contact your local Mailpiece Design Analyst. FSM 1000 Polywrap is acceptable. Only haze requirements must be meet when the polywrap covers the address label is . 7 24
Nonautomation Letters P R E P A R A T I O N 24 5
5 3 A Labeling packages X Presorting a Mailing All pieces for the same 5-digit Zip code ( also called “direct”) 3 All pieces for the same first three digits of a Zip Code A All pieces for the same area distribution center Label List L004 X Mixed ADC pieces for two or more area distribution centers 32 14
Information Line Formats Optional Endorsement Line ************* 5 DIGIT 22030 Jonathan R. Marburger 3815 CHAIN BRIDGE RD FAIRFAX VA 22030-3999 34 16
Nonautomation Letters Packaging 5-digit 3-digit ADC Mixed-ADC 10 A 10+ 10+ 5 X 3 10+ Any remaining pieces must be put into mixed-ADC package(s) Place tan label MS in lower left corner of top piece of package 38 20
Nonautomation Letters Traying - 3/5 Rate 5-digit 3-digit Prepare full trays for the same 5-digit ZIP Code Packaging is optional for full 5-digit trays 10+ 5 3 10+ Full 5-digit 40 22
Nonautomation Letters Traying - 3/5 Rate 5-digit 3-digit Place remaining packages (D’s & 3’s) for the same 3-digit area in 3-digit trays One less-than-full or overflow tray allowed for a 3-digit area 10+ 5 3 10+ Full 3/5 rate 5-digit 3-digit 41 23
Nonautomation Letters Traying - Basic Rate 5-digit 3-digit ADC Prepare full trays with packages to the same ADC Consult Labeling List L004 to match ZIPs with correct ADC 10+ 5 3 10+ A 10+ Basic rate Full ADC 43 25
Nonautomation Letters Traying - Basic Rate 5-digit 3-digit ADC Mixed-ADC X 3 10+ A 10+ 10+ 5 Place any remaining packages in mixed-ADC tray(s) Tray need not be full Basic rate Mixed-ADC 44 26
Nonautomation Letters Tray Labeling Tray label for 5-digit tray Line 1, use city, state, ZIP Code of destination WASHINGTON DC 20036 STD LTRS 5D NON BC WASHINGTON DC Destination Contents Origin 46 28
1.3 - 2.5 MACHINABILITY STANDARDS Length Divided by Height = Aspect Ratio 1.3 - 2.5 Length Divided by Height = 5" Unacceptable 5 4 = 1.25 4" Aspect Ratio The aspect ratio for letter-size mail provides a measurement tool to determine proper length to height ratio. Dividing the length by the height should yield a quotient between 1.3 and 2.5 . Acceptable 4" 6 4 = 1.5 6"
MACHINABILITY STANDARDS Polywrap, Polybag, Shrink-wrap Don’t even think about it! 0.32 Bill Russell 3447 Harbor Dr. Westridge, MA 23435 AMY JONES 4532 WEST DRIVE SAN ANTONIO TX 78284-9623 Polywrap, Polybag, and Shrink-wrap are prohibited for use on automated letter mailings.
BOOKLETS AND FOLDED SELF- MAILERS MUST BE TABBED MACHINABILITY STANDARDS BOOKLETS AND FOLDED SELF- MAILERS MUST BE TABBED Multiple Sheets Two Tabs Fold Spine on bottom Paper weight 20 lb POSTAL BUSINESS CENTER 2035 HURLEY WAY STE 200 SACRAMENTO CA 95825-3209 There are many tabbing options available, depending on thickness and folding method. Refer to the Domestic Mail Manual or Publication 25-Designing Letter Mail for illustrated examples. Letter-size pieces with an open edge (folded self-mailers, booklets, double postcards, etc.) must be tabbed to avoid jamming during high speed transport on automated sorting equipment. Do not use staples. Tabs, wafer seals, tape or glue may be used to seal the mail.
READABILITY STANDARDS Barcode Clear Zone Barcode Clear Zone Barcode Clear Zone 5/8” 4 3/4” The Barcode Clear Zone is a rectangular area in the lower right corner of the mailpiece. Regardless of the size of the mailpiece, the barcode clear zone maintains its size, 4 3/4” by 5/8”, which is always measured from the bottom right edge of mailpiece. This is the area where the Postal Service will spray the barcode, therefore keep this area clear of any print, background colors, patterns, etc. Barcode Clear Zone Barcode Clear Zone
Nonautomation Letters Tray Labeling - MACHINABLE Tray label for 5-digit tray Line 1, use city, state, ZIP Code of destination WASHINGTON DC 20037 STD LTRS 5D MACH WASH DC Destination Contents Origin 61 47
Nonautomation Letters Tray Labeling - MACHINABLE Tray label for 3-digit tray Line 1, use Labeling List L002, Column A, for destination facility LAKELAND FL 338 STD LTRS 3D MACH WASH DC Destination Contents Origin 62 48
Nonautomation Letters Tray Labeling - MACHINABLE Tray label for AADC tray Line 1, use Labeling List L801 for destination facility AADC WASHINGTON DC 200 STD LTRS AADC MACH WASH DC Destination Contents Origin 63 49
Nonautomation Letters Tray Labeling - MACHINABLE Tray label for mixed-AADC tray Line 1, use Labeling List L803 MXD WASHINGTON DC 200 STD LTRS MACH WKG WASH DC Destination Contents Origin 64 50
SOURCES OF INFORMATION UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE SOURCES OF INFORMATION Local Postal Personnel Mailpiece Design Analyst Business Mail Entry (410) 347-4645 (410) 347-4436 Reviews layouts before printing, Explains Postal requirements provides free Reply Mail artwork, concerning rates, mail sortation free design publications & templates. & preparation. National Contact National Customer Support Center (800) 238-3150 Postal services available for your address data base. Lists of certified CASS & PAVE software. NCOA, ACS, Move Update Information. Free Postal publications. As the local Mailpiece Design Analyst, my basic function is to assist customers in designing their mail so that it can be processed on the automated equipment. I am located in Shreveport at 2400 Texas Ave. You can reach me by calling 318-677-2228. If you have questions about postage rates, mailing regulations, mail sortation or tray preparation, then you may contact the Mailing Requirements Clerk at 318-677-2343. An excellent source of help is our National Customer Support Center in Memphis TN. They can be reached at 1-800-238-3150. The most important thing that you can do to improve the delivery of your mail, is to have an accurate address database. Every piece of mail that you send out with an undeliverable address will cost you money in wasted postage. There are many address improvement services offered through the National Customer Support Center. You may also request a list of software manufacturers that have been CASS (Coding Accuracy Support System) or PAVE (Presort Accuracy Validation & Evaluation) certified by the Post Office. (PRESENTER: EXPLAIN WHAT EACH SOFTWARE DOES, INCLUDING THAT A NEW CASS CERTIFICATE IS REQUIRED EVERY 6 MONTHS TO CLAIM AUTOMATED RATES.) The National Customer Support Center can also give you a list of NCOA (National Change of Address) licensed vendors. These vendors can update your address files by giving you the new address for your customers that have moved and filed a “Change of Address” with the Postal Service. This process meets the Move Update requirements for FCM Presorted and FCM Automated rates. This must be performed every 6 months. You may also meet the Move Update requirements by printing an Ancillary Endorsement directly on the mailpiece (we will go over the endorsements later in the presentation). As you can see, the National Customer Support Center can provide you with all the initial information that you’ll need to set up your own mail preparation system. You may also request many free publications that are printed by the US Postal Service. 31
SOURCES OF INFORMATION UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE SOURCES OF INFORMATION US Postal Service Web site Latest information, Postal Bulletin, vendors list, ZIP+4 lookup, forms and publications available for downloading, lots of stuff! Free Subscription Mailers Companion Address Quality US Postal Service 6060 Primacy Pkwy Ste 201 Memphis TN 38188-0001 If you have access to the Internet, please check out our Postal Web site at You will find a postage rate calculator, ZIP code lookup and many free publications on-line. I also recommend that you write to the Mailers Companion for a free subscription. It is distributed once a month and it will keep you informed on any new regulations that are going into effect. It explains Postal issues in a very simple, easy to understand manner. 32