Elements of Style Literary Devices Ch. 5
Reading Standard 3.6 Identify significant literary devices that define a writer’s style, and use those elements to interpret the work. (e.g., metaphor, symbolism, dialect, irony)
Style The way a writer uses language. What makes Dr. Suess’s style of writing so distinct?
Figures of Speech Expressions that are not literally true, but that suggest similarities between usually unrelated things.
Similes Compare two unlike things using a word of comparison. like, than, as, or resembles Ex: The light was as bright as the sun.
Metaphors Compares two unlike things directly, without using a specific word of comparison. EX: The ox of a man cut down the trees without breaking a sweat.
Extended Metaphor When a metaphor is repeated throughout a large portion of a work. EX: “O Captain My Captain” by Walt Whitman. The metaphor that compares a captain to the president of the United States (specifically Abraham Lincoln) is repeated throughout the poem.
Personification Speaks of a nonhuman or inanimate thing as if it had human or lifelike qualities. EX: The sun smiled down upon the earth. Does the sun have a mouth that can form a smile? What does this mean?
Symbols People, places, or events that have meaning in themselves but that also stand for something beyond themselves. EX: The rose is a symbol, in Esperanza Rising, stood for the beauty of life and the thorns stood for the trials. It also symbolized each member of the Ortega family and their servants.
Unexpected Events Irony- when something happens that is the opposite of what you expect. There are 3 kinds of irony: Verbal Irony- when we say one thing and mean another (sarcasm) Situational Irony- a situation turns out to be the opposite of what we expect. Dramatic Irony – occurs when we know something that a character in the story or book doesn’t know.
Imagery language that creates word pictures and appeals to the senses – makes us feel that we are seeing or experiencing what the narrator is describing right along with the characters.
Dialect Dialect is a way of speaking that is characteristic of a particular culture or region. Writers can also appeal to our ear w/dialect.