Following a string of victories in the East, Lee invades Northern territory. Single day Casualties: Union: 12,400 Confederate: 10,320 September 17, 1862
Battle = Draw, but Lee must retreat back to VA. North claimed victory, which allowed for EMANCIPATION Animated Battle Map: map.html
Lee’s second invasion of the North. Date: July 1863 Union Victory: Commonly held as TURNING POINT FOR THE WAR. Casualties: Union: 23,040 Confederate: 28,000 (true #s unknown ) WINNER:NORTH
Audio Link of the Address with Pictures to match: 0J_2ZpIQ 0J_2ZpIQ Partial Clip of Burns’ Civil War: The Universe of Battle: muZBR4 muZBR4
1. Read Lincoln’s address at the dedication of the Gettysburg National Cemetery. 2. Rewrite the entire document in your own words (how would YOU say it?) 3. Be sure to match it sentence for sentence. 4. Use the dictionaries and/or your partner as needed. The only known photograph taken during the address. There is a small arrow that points to Lincoln.
Date: April 9, 1865 Last invasion from Lee Union soldiers surrender Lee Lee surrenders in defeat Last conflict of the war