Reading Horizons
Who Am I ( What matters most )?
Currently a Professor at SUU A teacher and Administrator in public schools for about 15 years I have worked in Education in Japan, Taiwan, California, New York, Minnesota, and Utah. Who Am I? (Part II)
Why am I here?
Can You See the Arrow?
Reading Horizons Methodology understand XXX
Framework 42 Sounds5 Phonetic Skills2 Decoding Skills
BbFfDdGgAa HhJjLlMmEe NnPpRrSsOo TtVvWwXxYyUu ZzQqCcKkIi Consonants & Vowels
bada The Slide
bag dad gab fad Beginning Words XX XX
How do you know when to spell with a C and when to spell with a K?
cankit cotkid copkeg cupKen X X X X X X X X
L - gl gla glad R - fr fro frog S - sn sni snip X X X Blends
blclflglplsl brcrdrfrgrprtr sc skslsmsnspstsw S-Blends R-Blends L-Blends
dragtrekgridcrop slidplumbledclip spinscanstopswim X XXX X XXX XXXX Blend Words
a e o u i Short / Long Vowels
1. met One guardian consonant makes the vowel short. Five Phonetic Skills X *
2. jump Two guardian consonants make the vowel short. X ** Five Phonetic Skills
3. me When a vowel stands alone, it is long. X Five Phonetic Skills
4. smile When a word ends in a silent E, the vowel is long. X X Five Phonetic Skills
pin X * Five Phonetic Skills
pine X X Five Phonetic Skills
5. boat When two vowels are adjacent, the second vowel is silent and the first vowel is long. Five Phonetic Skills XX
met jump me smile boat X X * ** XX XX X
motel Decoding Skill #1
1. mo X 2. mot X * 3. mote X X 4. motel X X Decoding Skill #1
motel Decoding Skill #1 One consonant (guardian) goes on XX
provide Decoding Skill #1 X X X One consonant (guardian) goes on
campus Decoding Skill #2 X X Two consonants (guardians) split
extreme Decoding Skill #2 Two consonants (guardians) split XXX
Murmur Diphthongs er ir er ur ar or X X X X X X
chshwhthth phgnknckwr Digraphs
shark wheat X X X Digraphs
book Special Vowel Sounds au aw X X ou ow o X X oi oy X X oo X zoo oo X X X
houndtoil crawl book zoo X X X X X Special Vowel Sounds
accomplishment X X X X e
Test Drive