Google Sites Extending the Walls of Your Classroom
Today’s Objective Participants will create a class website and listen to descriptions of website features in order to synthesize an extended learning environment for their classroom using guided tutorials. Success Criteria Log into the DPS Domain and start a new Google Site Edit the text and pictures in a Google Site Edit the layout, theme, and navigation of a Google Site
LEAP Indicators for this session LE.1 - Demonstrates knowledge of, interest in, and respect for diverse students’ communities and cultures in a manner that increases equity. LE.2 - Fosters a motivational and respectful classroom environment. LE.3 - Implements clear expectations for student behavior and routines. LE.4 - Classroom resources and physical environment support students and their learning. I.8 - Promotes student communication and collaboration utilizing appropriate digital and other resources. P.3 - Collaborates with school teams to positively impact student outcomes.
Welcome! Please introduce yourself to the group by sharing the following information: Your name Where you teach What grade/subjects you teach The technology you currently have available What you hope to get out of today’s session
About the Presenter – Mattea AP Calculus AB/Pre-Calculus Teacher at Abraham Lincoln High School Currently has a Promethean Board and a set of gen 1 iPads designated for AP Calculus AB Working on a master’s degree in K-12 Instructional Technology through the University of Colorado Denver Class website s
Starting a Google Site Great video that shows you how to get started LQhttp:// LQ Can use pre-made class website template Select a theme of your choice
Logging Into DPS Domain Username is same as DPS except instead Login with Google You will be taken to another page to finish signing in
Naming Your Site Pick a name that is associated with you as a teacher Try to choose something easy to spell for students (Example: Ms. J instead of Ms. Juengel) It may take several tries to find a name that is not taken!
Selecting a Theme Once you start your site, you can choose from a variety of themes. These can be changed at any time.
Editing a Page Edit a page using the pencil icon This can help you with text, images, embedding objects, etc
Inserting Pictures Start with editing setting Go to insert Have image ready to upload
Editing Your Site Layout Change navigation and other settings using the site layout from the sprocket icon Change page layout using the edit setting
Incorporating a Google Calendar For those who are not familiar with Google Calendars, the following video may be helpful Qhttp:// Q This is a great way to communicate due dates, upcoming assessments, school events, etc. Create a separate calendar for each course you teach
Where Google Drive and Google Sites Can Meet You can sync a folder in your Google drive with your class website This is a great way to save your the time it takes to manually upload files to a site each time you want to add something See example at
Google Gadgets You can add additional features to your site including images, folders, and widgets using the html coding or given gadgets. Helpful video sing-an-embed-gadget sing-an-embed-gadget There are many objects that can be embedded into a website that do not have a Google gadget
Work Time
Today’s Objective Participants will create a class website and listen to descriptions of website features in order to synthesize an extended learning environment for their classroom using guided tutorials. Success Criteria Log into the DPS Domain and start a new Google Site Edit the text and pictures in a Google Site Edit the layout, theme, and navigation of a Google Site