Tips on Recycled Manipulatives Camelia Lincoln
How can we use recycled manipulatives as an ESL strategy? 0 Demonstrate; use recycled colorful manipulatives. 0 Whenever possible, accompany your message with gestures, pictures and objects that help get the 0 meaning across. Use a variety of different pictures or 0 objects for the same idea. MODEL, MODEL, MODEL. 0 Make use of all senses especially: visual & tactile 0 Organization is also very important. 0 Social responsibility is for all! 0 Teach social studies, science, math, art, language arts, vocabulary and more with recycled manipulatives.
Ideas for manipulatives: we can use recycle items 0 Recycle 0 Water bottle tops used as counters for math, 0 Roles of used paper towel rolls for geometry 0 Kleenex boxes for vocabulary word bank 0 Used construction paper for art (collage) 0 News papers to cut words for the word bank
Tips on how to organize recycled manipulatives 0 ping/clever-organizers-can-the- clutter/pictures/index.html ping/clever-organizers-can-the- clutter/pictures/index.html 0 1-Clutter Cups 0 Recycle and organize the classroom with magnetic tin cans. Hot-glue heavy-duty magnets to 10 soup cans and stick them to a steel cookie sheet. Hang it within kids' reach using a plate hanger. Use the cups to hold recycled crayons, chalk, and markers. Label the cans for easy identification and access to students.
Label the drawer recycled items 0 2 Great Dividers 0 Cleaning a dozen tuna cans and nestling them into a drawer to hold recycled items to be used as manipulatives. 0 Beads for art 0 Rubber bands for science(sound) lesson 0 Color paper clips used as counters for math 0 Example: We have 3 red+2pink+4blue=9 color clips
Responsible Science 0 Garden Lesson 0 Recycle gorgeous cans with graphics of tomatoes, corn and green beans, or whatever you plan to teach students how to plant. Make it a colorful lesson students can lay hands on.
Realia as a manipulative 0 African realia : Necklace made out of used magazines and newspapers 0 Use it to teach social studies and math. 0 Learning about Kenya, Africa 0 Counting, adding all the beads then subtracting all the white beads (math)