What is a Spreadsheet? A spreadsheet consists of the following items –A worksheet divided into rows and columns 256 vertical columns & 65,535 horizontal rows Columns identified by letters (A, B, C, and so on) Rows are numbered (1, 2, 3, …) –Cells An intersection of a row and column Identified by their column letters followed by their row numbers –Numbers –Labels –Formulas
Anatomy of the Window Title bar Workbook name Ribbon Menu bar Formula bar Status Bar Sheet tabs Current sheet Row heading Active cell Column headings Gridlines Scroll bars
Entering Information into a cell Select cell where you want to type data Type a number, label, or formula Do any of the following –Press Enter –Click Green Check Mark next to formula bar –Press an arrow key to select a different cell –Click a different cell
Excel Concepts Cell reference how we refer to a specific cell. –A10 or Data!A10 or [Book2.xls]Sheet1!A10 or C:\MyData\ [Book2.xls]Sheet1!A10 Range A rectangular group of one or more cells –Referenced by top left cell separated from bottom right reference by a colon.
More Concepts Selection –Range of cells, highlighted –Fill handle Formatting –The manner in which a cell entry is displayed can be changed by formatting the cell. –Font, background, number of decimals, scientific notation, horizontal and vertical positioning, borders
Examples Filling in a Series of Numbers or a list of dates Entering and Copying a Formula –All formulas begin with (=) –3 + 4 * 2 11 or 14? –Refer to values in cells Copy vs. Move formula
Arithmetic Operator Order Negation (-) Exponentiation (^) Multiplication and division (*,/) Addition and subtraction (+,-)
Formatting your worksheet Manually formatting your cells –Number –Alignment –Font –Boarder –Patterns –Protection
More Formatting Conditional Formatting Removing Formatting –Eraser too (Under editing) Clear Formats Adjusting column widths and row heights –With the mouse
Common Formula Calculations OperatorWhat it doesExampleResult +Addition= Subtraction= *Multiplication=1.2*44.8 /Division=25/55 %Percentage=42%0.42 ^Exponentiation=4^364 =Equal=6=7False >Greater than=7>2True <Less than=9<8False >=Greater than or equal to =45>=3True <=Less than or equal to=40<=2False <>Not equal to=5<>7True &Text concatenation=“Bo the ” & “Cat”Bo the Cat
Using cell references in formulas Referencing a single cell =B5+B6 AutoSum Σ –Sum, Average, Count, Max, Min Referencing two or more cells –Contiguous range =SUM(D3:D5) –Noncontiguous range SUM(D3,G5,X7)
Copying formulas Excel changes the formula cell reference automatically when for each row or column –Ctrl+C then Ctrl+V Editing a formula Ctrl+` to show all formulas Absolute, Relative, & Mixed References –$A$1, $A1, A$1, A1
Naming cells and ranges Name box Jumping to a named cell (downward- pointing arrow) Acts as an absolute reference
Picking a Function to Use Entering a Function Directly –Example =Sin(A1), =Pi(), =Degrees(A1), =Radians(A1) Insert function button –Function Palette Entering Formulas by Pointing
Finding where a formula gets its data Formula Auditing toolbar –Tracing Precendents –Tracing Dependents –Adding Comments
Printing a Worksheet Using Print Preview Printing part of a worksheet –Highlight cells that you want to print –Page Layout Print Area Set Print Area Page Setup –Under print preview Portrait, Landscape, Fit to … –Margins –Header/Footer
Paste Special RAND() Paste Special
Modifying Worksheets Insert/Delete rows and columns Link worksheets w/ formulas Split a worksheet (under view tab)
Formulas Editing a formula Ctrl+` to show all formulas Absolute, Relative, & Mixed References –$A$1, $A1, A$1, A1 –Using named cells in formulas (names are absolute references)
Naming Cells using labels Insert Name Create Names are not case sensitive
Picking a Function to Use Insert function button –Function Palette Function Arguments –=Pi() –=COS(Pi())=SQRT(A2/2) –=ROUND(A2,2) –=SUM(A1:A10) or =SUM(A1:A10,B3,B4) Entering Formulas by Pointing Commas separate each argument
Trig Functions Trig functions (always in radians) –RADIANS, DEGREES, SIN, COS, ATAN, … Exponential Functions –EXP, LN, LOG Rounding Functions –ABS, CEILING, EVEN, FLOOR, INT, MROUND, ODD, ROUND, ROUNDDOWN, ROUNDUP, TRUNC
Errors in Formulas ###### Column is too narrow #DIV/0! Formula divides a number by zero. Black cells have a value of zero #NAME? Formula containes a function name or cell that Excel does not recognize #REF! Formula refers to a cell that is not valid #VALUE! Formula refers to a cell that Excel cannot use in calculation Circular Reference Formula refers to the cell containing the formula