Intermediate Microsoft Excel 2010 Date: November 12, 2012 Time: 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM Location: Serra 156B-PC Lab Instructor: Steve Maier
Learning Objectives Charts & Graphs - Formatting of axis, legends, chart types Pivot Tables Formulas and Functions Grading in Excel-Dropping the lowest scores etc. VLOOKUP Calendar Dates & calculations Concatenation Top 5 tips and solutions Password protecting files: working with locked documents Intermediate Excel 2010
Review Reformatting Reorder Sort Find Average Count Bar Chart
Creating a new worksheet Intermediate Excel 2010
Formulas Intermediate Excel 2010 Operators: + - * / Cell references Refer to values in A10 the cell in column A and row 10 A10,A20 cell A10 and cell A20 A10:A20 the range of cells in column A and rows 10 through 20 B15:E15 the range of cells in row 15 and columns B through E A10:E20 the range of cells in columns A through E and rows 10 through 20 CTRL+`
Functions Intermediate Excel 2010
Excel Errors Intermediate Excel 2010 ##### The column is not wide enough to display the content. Increase column width, shrink contents to fit the column, or apply a different number format. #REF! A cell reference is not valid. Cells may have been deleted or pasted over. #NAME? You may have misspelled a function name. Cells with errors such as #NAME? may display a color triangle. If you click the cell, an error button appears to give you some error correction options. How to use the button is not covered in this course.
Parenthesis in formulas Intermediate Excel 2010 = (G2* ) / 100 Operator precedence: –Negation (as in –1) %Percent ^Exponentiation * and /Multiplication and division + and –Addition and subtraction &Connects two strings of text (concatenation) = = <> Comparison
Decimal Numbers Intermediate Excel 2010
Dates Intermediate Excel 2010 Excel for Windows – 1900 Excel for Macintosh
Track student Grades in Excel Intermediate Excel 2010 Summing up scores Calculate % grade Calculate letter grade Calculate pass/fail Drop lowest score Grade by weighted assignment
Create a custom sort Intermediate Excel 2010
Pivot Tables Intermediate Excel 2010
Formatting Charts Intermediate Excel 2010
Creating a VLookup Intermediate Excel 2010
Password protect worksheet Intermediate Excel 2010
Password protect workbook Intermediate Excel 2010
Importing Data Intermediate Excel 2010
Tips and Solutions Intermediate Excel Split Text 2.Merge cells 3.Insert Current Date/Time 4.Quick Math 5.Drop Down List with no Macros 6.Create Sequences