Verify your data entry You could use data types and field properties for adding any validation on your date: EX: Data type: number : allow the user to.


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Presentation transcript:

Verify your data entry You could use data types and field properties for adding any validation on your date: EX: Data type: number : allow the user to insert just numbers. Field property such as field size : allow the user to insert characters or numbers with limited size. validation rules in Access

*validation rules in excel: 1. Highlight cells which you want to add rules for them 2. Select the data menu then validation … this will open the data validation window. 3. The rule is set in the setting tab Verify your data entry

4. Use drop down menu in the allow: how to select the type of data to allow. for example: if you are going to enter numbers between 0.8 and 2.5 select the decimal from this menu 5. Select between from data: drop down menu if it is not already visible. 6. Set the minimum value to 0.8 by typing this value 7. Set the maximum value to 2.5 by typing this value 8. If you wish to give the user information about the data to be entered in this cell, use the input message. Verify your data entry

9. To enter an error alert, if the user enters the wrong data, select the error alert tab. 10. Enter stop as a validation style this will prevent invalid data being entered into these cells. 11. Eneter the title for this error message. 12. Enter the contents of the error message 13. Click on ok to enter these setting for validation Verify your data entry

**how to protect parts of the spreadsheet: 1. Highlight this part (cells) 2. Select the format menu then cells … this will open the format cells window 3. Select protection tab. 4. Tick the locked check box then press ok **how to protect worksheet Select the tools menu followed by protection then protect sheet … then tick the check box to add any votes. Verify your data entry

how to protect database From main menu select tools then from Security select set database password then write your password