February 2006Colby College ITS Formatting Techniques for Excel 2003
February 2006Colby College ITS Topics Cells Rows and Columns Selected Cells Worksheets Autoformatting Style Customizing the Formatting Toolbar
February 2006Colby College ITS Cells
February 2006Colby College ITS Cell Formatting Format > Cells –Select category Number Alignment Font Border Patterns Protection
February 2006Colby College ITS Number Tab (1 of 2) Format > Cells > Number tab Some categories: –Number Number of desired decimal places Display of negative numbers –Currency Adds currency symbol Number of desired decimal places Display of negative numbers –Date Displays date in specfied format –Time Displays time in specified –Percentage Converts number to a percentage (Multiplies by 100 and inserts % sign) –Fraction Writes decimal numbers as fractions Specifies how many digits to use in conversion
February 2006Colby College ITS Number Formatting (2 of 2) Custom –Customizes display –Specify format by typing a format code in Type field Format code syntax: –y inserts one digit of a year –M inserts one digit of a month –D inserts one digit of a day –: or / or break between digits –For example: m-mm:mmm/mmmm will display 9-09:Sep/September
February 2006Colby College ITS Allignment and Orientation Tab Format > Cells > Alignment tab Horizontal: (left, center, right, justify) Vertical: (top, center, bottom) Orientation “tilts” text by specified angle
February 2006Colby College ITS Font Tab Format > Cells > Font Tab Select: –Font Type –Size –Style (bold, italic, regular) Add effects: –Superscript –Subscript –Strikethrough Preview selection in Preview box
February 2006Colby College ITS Border Tab Format > Cells > Border Tab Sets border for cells, rows and columns Select desired line Style and Color Border appearance in preview window –Buttons enable addition or removal of border lines
February 2006Colby College ITS Alternative Border Formatting Formatting Toolbar additionaly has a Border Formatting Button Each button applies formatting as shown on its small icon. Any action will overlay its effect on cell(s) the previous formatting action has made
February 2006Colby College ITS Pattern Tab Format > Cells > Pattern Tab Adds background color to cell(s) and/or pattern overlay
February 2006Colby College ITS Alternative Color Formatting Select Fill Color option on Formatting Toolbar Expandable menu allows you to select a color
February 2006Colby College ITS Exercise for Formatting Cells Open an Excel spreadsheet Fill few rows in a column with random numbers Format these numbers to appear as a zip code Make a thick boarder around these cells and a thinner one separating each cell Change background color to blue
February 2006Colby College ITS Rows and Columns
February 2006Colby College ITS Changing Row Height For a specific value –Select the row or rows –Format > Row > Height –Enter a value. To fit the contents –Select the row or rows –Format > Row > Autofit By using the mouse –To change the row height of one row Drag the boundary below the row heading until the row is the height that you want –To change the row height of multiple rows Select the rows that you want to change, and then drag the boundary below one of the selected row headings To change the row height for all rows on the worksheet –Click the Select All button –Drag the boundary below any row heading.
February 2006Colby College ITS Changing Column Width (1 of 3) To a specific width –Select the column or columns –Format > Column > Width > Value To fit contents –Select the column or columns –Format > Column > AutoFit Selection To match another column –Select a cell in the source column –Click Copy on the Standard toolbar –Select target column –Edit > Paste Special > Column widths
February 2006Colby College ITS Changing Column Width (2 of 3) Change default width for all columns –For a worksheet Click its sheet tab –For the entire workbook Right-click a sheet tab Click Select All Sheets –Format > Column > Standard Width Enter a value
February 2006Colby College ITS Changing Column Width (3 of 3) Tips To autofit all columns on the worksheet –Click Select All –Double-click any boundary between two column headings OR – Select all columns –Format > Column > AutoFit Selection To define the default column width for all new workbooks and worksheets –Create a workbook template and a worksheet template with desired formats –Base new workbooks and worksheets on those templates
February 2006Colby College ITS Hiding and Unhiding Format > Column or Row > Hide Format > Column or Row > Unhide
February 2006Colby College ITS Formatting All Cells Select an entire row or column Format > Cells > [select action] All cells in row or column willb e changed Additional cells can be added to the selection: –CTRL left mouse click on Windows –APPLE mouse click on Mac Additional cells selected Column selected
February 2006Colby College ITS Selected Cells
February 2006Colby College ITS Conditional Formatting (1 of 2) Example: –You want book sales under 15 copies to be formatted in bold red or make underachieving sales stand out. –Select column C (which contains the book sales numbers) –Format > Conditional Formatting
February 2006Colby College ITS Conditional Formatting (2 of 2) Select cell value to trigger formatting –In this example: Less than 15 Click Format and select bold red Any cell with less than 15 will be red and bolded Use up to 3 conditions per cell or range of cells
February 2006Colby College ITS Find and Replace Edit > Replace tab –Find Specify search string Options –Specify search criteria –Exact case, entire contents of cell, etc. –Replace Enter replacement string Indictae formatting if desired
February 2006Colby College ITS Find and Replace by Format Click Find Format button Select format search criteria Click Replace with Format button Select new format criteria
February 2006Colby College ITS Formulas and Wildcards The * wildcard The asterisk (*) wildcard character represents any number of characters in that position, including zero characters. The ? wildcard The question mark (?) wildcard character represents one characters in that position. The ~ wildcard The tilde (~) wildcard character lets you search for characters that are used as wildcards.
February 2006Colby College ITS Worksheets
February 2006Colby College ITS Protection Tools > Protection > Protect Sheet Specify level of security on sheet and in cells Pasword is optional
February 2006Colby College ITS Locking/Unlocking Selected Cells Prevents modification of cell contents Format > Cells > Protection Check Locked NOTE: For cell protection to work, worksheet protection has to enabled
February 2006Colby College ITS Freezing Header Titles (1 of 2) To keep header row visible while editing: –Window > Freeze Panes Freeze the row with column or row headers in place While scrolling, content cells roll up under the frozen headers
February 2006Colby College ITS Freezing Header Titles (2 of 2) 1.Column titles –Select the first row below the titles 2.Row titles –Select the first column to the right 3.Both column and row titles –Click the cell that is both just below the column titles and just to the right of the row titles. If you make a mistake, Click Unfreeze Panes on the Window menu and try again You can freeze panes anywhere, not just below the first row or to the right of the first column
February 2006Colby College ITS Comparing Worksheets (1 of 2) Window > Compare Side by Side Side by Side dialog comes up Select Scroll method by toggling first icon –Synchronous – both windows scroll simultaneously –Asynchronous – only the active window scrolls To positiion each window in a different location and then scroll synchronously: –Position each window using asynchronous scrolling –When in position, click synchronous –Both windows scroll from different positions
February 2006Colby College ITS Comparing Worksheets (2 of 2) Display will look like this
February 2006Colby College ITS Exercise for Worksheets Open an Excell spreadsheet Open a documant containing many rows and columns of data Use AutoFit to adjust the height and width of each column and row Freeze Title Panes and scroll down to see the effect Replace all the cells containing numbers with a word “testing” Reverse this change
February 2006Colby College ITS Costumizing Toolbars
February 2006Colby College ITS Adding and Removing Buttons To add: View > Toolbars > Costumize > Commands –Click on toolbar –Select command to add –Drag it to toolbar To remove: View > Toolbars > Costumize > Commands –Click on Toolbar –Select command to delete –Right click on a button –Delete Add or Remove by dragging
February 2006Colby College ITS Creating a new Tool Bar View > Toolbars > Costumize > Toolbars Tab > New –Choose a new name Add buttons to it just as shown in previous slide
February 2006Colby College ITS Editing Buttons View > Toolbars > Customize Right click on any icon A menu of customization options displays Example: –Change the button image –Select an alternate image for the button To reset values to defaults
February 2006Colby College ITS Exercise for Costumizing Toolbars Open an Excell spreadsheet Create a new Toolbar and name it “all in one” Assign to it 6 commands most commonly used by you Change icons for each command Place your new Toolbar under the Formatting Toolbar at the top of the screen
February 2006Colby College ITS Questions about scheduling training sessions or these materials? Contact: Mel Regnell (ext. 4217) Having problems with Excel? Contact: Faculty/Staff Support (ext. 4222) or Student Computer Support (ext. 4224) Mel Regnell Faculty/Staff Support Student Computer Support