Raising The Flag By: Brandon Sneed
Background Info. Thomas Franklin captured this scene, creating one of the most memorable flag raising scences. Franklin was working for The Bergen Record newspaper of Passaic, New Jersey. It was 5:01 p.m., eight hours after the attack. Three firemen (left to right, George Johnson of Ladder 157, Dan McWilliams of Ladder 157, and Billy Eisengrein of Rescue 2) — unaware they were being caught on film — were raising an American flag. The photograph has appeared on the covers of many publications, including Newsweek, USA Today, Parade Sunday Magazine, and People magazine. It was a Pulitzer Prize finalist and the winner of countless awards, and used for a special U.S. Postal Service stamp released in March 2002 to raise funds for families of emergency workers killed or permanently disabled as a result of the 9/11 attacks. Franklin has been a guest on radio and television shows many times, including the Today show (three times), Good Morning America, CNN, Fox Cable Network, and Oprah.
Purpose What is your first reaction to this picture? What is the primary purpose of publishing this picture? Who do you think was the intended audience?
Purpose The purpose of this photo is to show the pride that some Americans have in their country. Despite the fact that one of the most devastating events in American history had just taken place, they are able to still show their pride. This picture was intended to show the citizens of the united states that even though hardships come upon you, you still have to come together as one to overcome it. When I first saw this photo, it really gave me some reassurance that there are still people in this nation who care a lot about having pride in their country.
Focus What is the main focus of this photograph? What helps you Identify this? The main focus of this photograph is the American Flag. Even though the firefighters are beside the flag, the background really helps you to single the flag out as the main focus.
Techniques Composition factors such as colors, balance, and juxtaposition all play important roles in bringing out the important details in this photograph. The colors on the flag are bright which helps contrast with the grey of the debris in the background. This helps to bring out the flag more easily. Balance in this photo helps to make the flag appear as if it is in the middle of the picture. The beams on each side balance the picture out which leaves the flag and the fire fighters in the middle. Since the flag is up higher than the men, its more in the center. Juxtaposition plays a role in identifying the flags meaning in this photo. The debris in the back symbolizes destruction and loss while the flag represents hope and pride. This contrast brings a lot of meaning to this. Would the picture have the same meaning if the debris wasn't there?
Techniques cont. No. the reason why is because the destruction and debris gives the flag a whole different meaning. The flag is a symbol of our country. In this picture, the flag represents more. It shows the pride that people take in this country. To some its more than just a symbol. The men in this picture show that the flag is a way of saying that they still stay loyal to their country even in hard times. They are proud of what the flag represents.
pathos Does this photo appeal to you emotionally?
Pathos cont. Yes, this picture appeals to many people in some way. to me, I felt proud that I am a part of such a great country where I share freedoms and pride with other people. People should be very thankful to live in such a great place.
Ethos Is the photographer credible? Yes. This photo has appeared on the covers of many publications, including Newsweek, USA Today, Parade Sunday Magazine, and People magazine.
Logos Does this appeal to you logically? For the most part, people understand this photo. They look more at the actual event and the people who were affected by more than anything.
Bibliography 03/911-firemen/ 03/911-firemen/