Sales Education and Performance Consulting Using the Automated Order Workbook Presents July 2005
2 Automated Order Workbook Course Elements AOW Overview Getting Started General Account Information (GAI) Product & Term Master Agreement Order Type Features Managing Orders for Multiple Locations Billing Options Voice Services Telemanagement Reports Account Information/Legal Company Name Help/Tips
3 Automated Order Workbook (AOW) Basics Replaces individual service order documents with a single Excel-based workbook for ACC Business service orders Two templates; Data Services (MIS) and Voice Services (Dedicated LD/ADL, Switched LD ) Additional ACC Business service offers will be phased into the applicable AOW template format throughout 2005 Collects core order information on a single template, pre-populating similar information fields within required service order documents Establishes and maintains a synonymous feel and flow for key ACC Business order document packages
4 Downloading the AOW Templates The current AOW templates will be found on the agent extranet at Right click on the AOW hot link found on the right side of the extranet homepage “Save Target As”, and store each template to the location desired within your computer Open the appropriate template and “Save As” the applicable customer naming convention Refresh your template often, by repeating steps 1 through 3 above. This is important, as it will insure that you always have the latest updated AOW template in use
5 Getting Started – Macro Security Configuration When using the AOW template for the first time, perform the following preparatory steps: Open MS Excel on your computer From the Main Menu, select Tools / Macro / Security / Medium, then Click OK
6 Getting Started – Excel Configuration Occasionally, MS Excel will automatically open AOW template applications when using the software for another application To ensure that this will not happen, do the following: Click the “Start” button in the lower left corner of your screen (Windows 98/XP) Select “Run” Type: excel /s (excel[space]/s) Press OK Restart your computer
7 Open the applicable template document Select “Enable Macros” Yellow shaded fields are for Data Entry or Drop- Down selections White fields are protected fields. No input may be made in these areas of the AOW Always complete the “GAI” (General Account Information) tab in the workbook first, working sequentially from top to bottom Basics For Using The AOW
8 The Automated Order Workbook General Account Information (GAI) Tab Important Workflow Instructions
9 GAI Basics Always begin workbook completion from the General Account Information (GAI) tab. The Automated Order Workbooks have been configured to anticipate documentation and information needs based on selections made in the GAI tab. The GAI tab will generate additional workbook tabs and auto-populate all subsequent similar information fields within those tabs (required order documents) Additional workbook tabs will appear at the bottom of the screen based upon the input selections made as you progress within the GAI tab Always work sequentially from top to bottom of the GAI tab Click on appropriate “SELECT” fields, and associated drop-down menus will appear Make the appropriate selection from the options provided
10 Work Sequentially Be sure to work sequentially, completing all required fields in the GAI tab. If any required fields are overlooked, a reminder dialogue box may appear.
11 Section 1 - Product Selection Select the product (service) from the drop-down listing in Section 1 Current options include: MIS option only within the Data Services workbook Dedicated LD, Switched LD, Toll-Free, and ADL Local Overlay options within the Voice Services workbook Section 3 of the Pricing Schedule will be completed based on product selected & the order type selection Forms will be included in the workbook as additional tabs, based on GAI input
12 Section 1 – Term & LOA Requirements Select the appropriate term 1, 2, or 3 Years Is a Letter Of Authorization on File? Selecting Yes provides a Pricing Schedule with no LOA included Selecting No provides a Pricing Schedule which will include an LOA
13 Section 2 - Master Agreement Master Agreement on File? Selecting Yes also requires selection of the MACSOA version on file in the following drop down menu Selecting No automatically generates the MACSOA version 11 tab within the workbook. No version should be selected or MA number entered When on file, you must enter the appropriate Master Agreement Number The MA number entered will auto-populate on every page of the MA/CSOA, Pricing Schedule and ADL Addendum (when applicable) documents
14 Section 3A – Dedicated LD Order Type The following Dedicated LD forms (additional workbook tabs) will appear and be pre-populated following completion of Product, Order Type, LOA, MA, & Multi-location selections: Order Type Forms Included NewDedicated LD Pricing Schedule & Dedicated Specifications Form ChangeAdd Change Form Disconnect ServiceAdd Change Form Disconnect Service LocationAdd Change Form RenewalRenew set to Yes in sec 3 of Pricing Schedule Add Feature Toll Free Advanced Features Supplemental Form Add Service Existing LocationPricing Schedule/ Dedicated Specifications Form Add Service LocationPricing Schedule/ Dedicated Specifications Form All with ADL TX as ProductADL Texas Addendum All with ADL Non TX as ProductADL Non Texas Addendum
15 Section 3A – Switched LD Order Type The following Switched LD forms (additional workbook tabs) will appear and be pre-populated following completion of Product, Order Type, LOA, MA, & Multi-location selections:
16 Features / Customer Type / Account Number Options Select Feature DNS selection option for Data (MIS) workbook (Only Option) TF Adv Features selection option for Voice (Dedicated & Switched LD) workbook Will add an agreement addendum tab to the workbook, pre-populated with: Legal Co Name/Service Company Name & address Billing address & contact information if different Contact person fax & address Account # Signature Block will include legal co name, contact & title Customer Type Select New or Existing New – Credit Application included as workbook tab Existing- No Credit Application is added/needed Customer type selection is also copied into the Pricing Schedule Account Number Entered Account Number is populated into the associated Pricing Schedule Also the ADL addendum and TF Adv Features Supplemental Agreement (Voice workbook)
17 Section 3 – Adding Required Document Tabs Additional documents will populate after completion of section 3 of the GAI tab IMPORTANT: Sequentially complete all applicable fields within Sections 1- 3B of the GAI including the number of locations, (even if only 1 location). Select any Billing Options for Dedicated LD. Then press the enter key ONCE. All of the required forms will then appear as additional tabs at the bottom of the AOW.
18 Managing Orders for Multiple Locations Revised For Dedicated and Switched voice orders, a Multi- Location Worksheet and Location Specification Worksheets will be created if the Number of Locations entered in the GAI is 2 or more Service Company Name, address & local contract information will be populated into the Multi-Location Dedicated Spec form Enter the information in the Multi Location Worksheet for each location
19 Calculating Dedicated Voice Multi-Location Charges After entering local access charges for all locations, click on the Compute Totals button in Section 7 of the Dedicated LD Pricing Schedule Enter the Local Access rates for each location in the Multi- Location worksheet
20 Switched Voice Multi-Location Worksheet A Multi-Location worksheet will be generated for Corporate Billed orders with greater than 1 Location If Business Calling Card is selected from the GA, a Business Calling Card section will be included in the multi location WS. 1.Enter the location address & contact information in Section 1 2.Enter the instate rates for each location in Section 2 3.Enter the line & Toll Free information for each location in Sections 3 - 5
21 Section 3B - Billing Options The Billing Options & Cycle selected from the drop down menus will be populated into the Pricing Schedule Select the Corporate or Multi-Account Billing Option from the drop down. If Change Request is selected (followed by Enter), the Billing Supplemental Service Agreement will be included in the workbook Identify if Access a Bill is needed by selecting Yes or No Select Billing Cycle 1,10,18 or Existing
22 Section 3B – Voice Telemanagement Reports? If Telemanagement reports are required, select Yes followed by Enter. Section 4 of the Pricing Schedule will then include a grid for selection of required reports
23 Sections 4 & 5 - Account Information GAI Section 4 ACC Business Representation Agent & Agent Manager Information will be populated into the Pricing Schedule and all additional required documentation GAI Section 5 Account Information Service Company Name, Contact person, Address, and Contact Information will be populated into the MA/CSOA, Pricing Schedule, and all additional required documentation Contact Person and Title will be populated into the signature block of each required document Contact Person and Title can be subsequently changed on the signature page of all forms if/as needed Legal Company Name will be populated into the MA/CSOA, Pricing Schedule, and all additional required documentation If both the Legal Company Name and Service Company Name are input in the GAI, the Legal Company Name will be copied into the signature block of each form. The Company Name can than be edited on the signature page of all forms except the MA/CSOA
24 Workbook Help Use the Help button on the General Account Information Tab for user documentation assistance
25 Completing the GAI Tab When all required information has been entered into the GAI tab, click on the “Set Unselected Options to No” button at the bottom of the page to finalize the order template This will fill all unnecessary fields with “NO” to complete the GAI order template Once all data is entered in all forms (tabs), click on the “Save” button at the top of the GAI to remove the shading from all fields
26 5-Steps To A Complete Order Workbook Open the AOW Workbook Template from the extranet website Enable Macros “Save As” to your computer, in the desired customer naming convention Complete the order workbook using customer opportunity specific information Always complete the GAI tab of the workbook working sequentially from top to bottom, before moving to specific order document tabs Once complete, “Save” the workbook and “Print” each document tab
27 Useful Tips for AOW Success Review all fields in sections 1-3 of the GAI tab Leave any non-relevant fields unselected Include the number of locations even if only 1 location Hit the enter key ONCE after entering the number of locations Click on the “Set unselected options to No” button at the bottom of the GAI to set unselected options to No All the required forms will appear as tabs at the bottom of the WB Once all data is entered in all forms (tabs), click on the “Save” button at the top of the GAI to remove the shading from all fields Enables maximum clarity for faxing and distribution
28 Q&A Time The AOW is built using an MS Excel- based workbook template. Practice will result in ease of use and success. Thanks for your participation in today’s training!!!