Unit 5 Evidence Name:
1.What software did you use? A spread sheet software called Microsoft Excel 2. Why did you use this rather than something else? Using this software makes it very easy to make a spreadsheet with formulas, and it’s easy to use the cells. 3. What are the advantages of using this software? Easy for creating spreadsheet, since that’s what it’s made for, and also allows you to do other stuff such as protect the cells. 4. What problems do you see the user have using your system? Sometimes if the names were to long it wouldn’t fit, so they could hide out of sight if the box wasn’t expanded 5. How did you try to minimise the problems? To fix these problems the boxes could be made bigger, making it much more visable.
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Before Filter Applied
After Filter Applied example 1 This filter shows people who have passed.
After Filter Applied example 2 This filter shows people who have failed.
After Sort Applied This shows the pass and fail marks in alphabetical order staring from A to Z
Cell Protection
Worksheet Protection
Maximum Formula The maximum mark is the same as the one in the 2 nd column because it is the highest out of the 5 numbers in that row. I looked through the 2 nd row of numbers until I fount the highest numbers, then I compared it to the highest maximum number
Minimum Formula The Minimum mark for this is 7, because it is the smallest number in that row. I checked the number in all the rows and then found the smallest number in both the test scores and the minimum marks. And both the numbers were the same.
Average Formula The test score changed so it made it easy to calculate. So Divided by 3 = 5. So the average is 3. Explain how checked that this formula produced the results you expected?
If… Formula I went to averages column and applied the filter to show smallest to biggest, I then looked down the spreadsheet to find the meeting points of the average pass marks, and then I looked to see if the pass and fail marks matched the average mark.
Conditional Format When looking at the averages, and also looking at the rules I set for all of the students to pass or fail the test. I can see that the test results were a success, When I write the word PASS it will change to green, and if it’s a FAIL it will then change to red
No Capital letter No apostrophe There is a comma when there is meant to be a semi colon The maximum should be 100 and not 85. Error – Supposed to say Pass or Fail Shouldn’t be decimal points, should be whole numbers. There should be capital letters at the start of the names. There should be a apostrophe because it’s Miss Hurd’s. The numbers should be whole numbers. The formula failed to work.